Salvador Martínez Pérez
Jefe de grupo
Catedrático UMH
- Neurobiología de las enfermedades mentales, neurodegenerativas y neurooncológicas (URL:
- Construcción y adaptación de los circuitos neuronales en redes funcionales
- Investigación traslacional de las enfermedades neurológicas y psiquiátricas
- Neurobiological basis of neonatal epilepsy and its comorbilities. Marta Martínez-Morga, Salvador J Martinez-Morga, Daniel Garrigos, Salvador Martinez. Medicina (B Aires). 2024 84 Suppl 1:2-8
- Pericytes Are Immunoregulatory Cells in Glioma Genesis and Progression. Marta Martinez-Morga ,Daniel Garrigos, Elena Rodriguez-Montero, Ana Pombero, Raquel Garcia-Lopez, Salvador Martinez. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024 25(10), 5072
- Selective vulnerability of motor neuron types and functional groups to degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: review of the neurobiological mechanisms and functional correlates. Ovsepian, S.V., O’Leary, V.B. & Martinez, S. Brain Struct Funct . 2024 229: 1–14
- ACE2 expression in the brain during development and susceptibility to brain infection by SARS-CoV-2. Marta Martínez-Morga ,Jose Manuel Hernandez-Lopez, Cristina Hernandez-Medina, Salvador Martínez-Morga, Salvador Martínez. Medicina (B Aires) 2023 83 Suppl 2:2-5. Spanish. PMID: 36820474 (Review)
- MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase (MOK) controls microglial inflammatory/type-I IFN responses via Brd4 and is involved in ALS Jesús A. Pérez-Cabello, Lucía Silvera-Carrasco,Jaime M. Franco, Vivian Capilla-González, Alexandros Armaos, María Gómez-Lima, Raquel García-García, Xin Wen Yap, Magdalena Leal-Lasarte, Deepti Lall, Robert H. Baloh, Salvador Martínez et al. PNAS 2023 120 (28); e2302143120
- Neuronal progenitors of the dentate gyrus express the SARS‑CoV‑2 cell receptor during migration in the developing human hippocampus. Hernandez‑Lopez JM, Hernandez‑Medina C, Medina‑Corvalan C, Rodenas M, Almagro F, Perez‑Garcia C, Echevarria D, Carratala F, Geijo‑Barrientos E, Martinez S. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2023 80: art.140
- Pericyte–Glioblastoma Cell Interaction: A Key Target to Prevent Glioblastoma Progression. Ana Pombero, Raquel Garcia-Lopez and Salvador Martínez Cells. 2023 12(9), art. 1324
- Abnormalities in Cortical GABAergic Interneurons of the Primary Motor Cortex Caused by Lis1 (Pafah1b1) Mutation Produce a Non-drastic Functional Phenotype. Domínguez-Sala E, Valdés-Sánchez L, Canals S, Reiner O, Pombero A, García-López R, Estirado A, Pastor D, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martínez S Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 10: art 769853
- Adhesion molecule Amigo2 is involved in the fasciculation process of the fasciculus retroflexus. Company, V., Murcia-Ramón, R., Andreu-Cervera, A., Aracil-Pastor, P., Almagro-García, F., Martínez, S., Echevarría, D., Puelles, E. Dev Dyn. 2022 251(11): 1834-1847
- Binucleated human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells can be formed during neural-like differentiation with independence of any cell fusion events. Bueno, C., Blanquer, M., García-Bernal, D., Martínez, S., Moraleda, J.M. Sci. Rep. 2022 12(1): art 20615
- Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy Ablation in Pericytes Reveals New Glioblastoma Prognostic Markers and Efficient Treatment Against Tumor Progression. Molina, M.L., García-Bernal, D., Salinas, M.D., Rubio, G., Aparicio, P., Moraleda, J.M., Martínez, S., Valdor, R. Front Cell Dev Biol . 2022 10: art. 797945
- Editorial: What does human pathology bring to the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of development? Represa, A., Martinez, S., Gelot, A. Front Neuroanat . 2022 16: art. 1003607
- Gli2-Mediated Shh Signaling Is Required for Thalamocortical Projection Guidance Callejas-Marin A, Moreno-Bravo JA, Company V, Madrigal MP, Almagro-García F, Martínez S, Puelles E Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 2022 16: 830758
- Luis Puelles, the Learned Neuroembryologist and Comparative Neurobiologist. Martinez, S. Brain Behav Evol . 2022 96 (4-6): 167-173 Letter
- Properties of the epileptiform activity in the cingulate cortex of a mouse model of LIS1 dysfunction. Domínguez-Sala E, Andreu-Cervera A, Martín-Climent P, Murcia-Ramón R, Martínez S, Geijo-Barrientos E Brain Struct Funct. 2022 227 (5): 1599-1614
- Regenerative Neurology and Regenerative Cardiology: Shared Hurdles and Achievements. Mitrečić D, Hribljan V, Jagečić D, Isaković J, Lamberto F, Horánszky A, Zana M, Foldes G, Zavan B, Pivoriūnas A, Martinez S, Mazzini L, Radenovic L, Milasin J, Chachques JC, Buzanska L, Song MS, Dinnyés A Int J Mol Sci. 2022 23(2): 855
- Shock wave and mesenchymal stem cells as treatment in the acute phase of spinal cord injury: A pilot study. Pastor D, Valera H, Olmo JA, Estirado A, Martínez S Rehabilitacion. 2022 56(1): 1-10
- Stria medullaris innervation follows the transcriptomic division of the habenula. Juárez-Leal, I., Carretero-Rodríguez, E., Almagro-García, F., Martínez, S., Echevarría, D., Puelles, E. Sci Rep. 2022 12(1): art 10118
- The brain. An analogic machine with quantum functioning? Martínez-Morga M, Garrigós D, Martínez S Medicina (B Aires) 2022 82:2
- Differentiation of human adult-derived stem cells towards a neural lineage involves a dedifferentiation event prior to differentiation to neural phenotypes Bueno C, Martínez-Morga M, García-Bernal D, Moraleda JM, Martínez S Sci Rep 2021 11(1):12034
- Interneuron Heterotopia in the Lis1 Mutant Mouse Cortex Underlies a Structural and Functional Schizophrenia-Like Phenotype Garcia-Lopez R, Pombero A, Estirado A, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martinez S Front Cell Dev Biol 2021 9:693919
- Netrin 1-Mediated Role of the Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta and Ventral Tegmental Area in the Guidance of the Medial Habenular Axons Company V, Andreu-Cervera A, Madrigal MP, Andrés B, Almagro-García F, Chédotal A, López-Bendito G, Martinez S, Echevarría D, Moreno-Bravo JA, Puelles E Front Cell Dev Biol 2021 9:682067
- Neurogenesis similarities in different human adult stem cells Bueno C, Martinez S Neural Regen Res 2021 16(1):123
- Neurogenesis similarities in different human adult stem cells Bueno C, Martinez S Neural Regen Res 2021 16(1):123
- The association of telomere length with substance use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies Navarro-Mateu F, Husky M, Cayuela-Fuentes P, Álvarez FJ, Roca-Vega A, Rubio-Aparicio M, Chirlaque MD, Cayuela ML, Martínez S, Sánchez-Meca J Addiction 2021 116(8):1954
- Autophagy in the Immunosuppressive Perivascular Microenvironment of Glioblastoma Molina ML, García-Bernal D, Martinez S, Valdor R Cancers (Basel) 2020 12(1):102
- Birth-sex cohort alcohol use transitions in the general population: the cross-sectional PEGASUS-Murcia project Husky MM, Bharat C, Vilagut G, Salmerón D, Martínez S, Navarro C, Alonso J, Kessler RC, Navarro-Mateu F Adicciones 2020 32(2):94
- Combined intramuscular and intraspinal transplant of bone marrow cells improves neuromuscular function in the SOD1G93A mice Martínez-Muriana A, Pastor D, Mancuso R, Rando A, Osta R, Martínez S, López-Vales R, Navarro X Stem Cell Res Ther 2020 11(1):53
- Gestational Exposure to Sodium Valproate Disrupts Fasciculation of the Mesotelencephalic Dopaminergic Tract, With a Selective Reduction of Dopaminergic Output From the Ventral Tegmental Area Ádám Á, Kemecsei R, Company V, Murcia-Ramón R, Juarez I, Gerecsei LI, Zachar G, Echevarría D, Puelles E, Martínez S, Csillag A Front Neuroanat 2020 14:29
- Intramuscular Injection of Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Geijo-Barrientos E, Pastore-Olmedo C, De Mingo P, Blanquer M, Gómez Espuch J, Iniesta F, Iniesta NG, García-Hernández A, Martín-Estefanía C, Barrios L, Moraleda JM, Martínez S Front Neurosci 2020 14:195
- Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons of the Mouse Granular Retrosplenial Cortex and Their Innervation by Cortico-Cortical Axons Robles RM, Domínguez-Sala E, Martínez S, Geijo-Barrientos E Front Neural Circuits 2020 14:576504
- Mechanism of action of cell therapy in hereditary diseases Martinez-Morga M, Medina-Corvalan C, Perez-Garcia C, Bueno C, Martinez S Medicina (B. Aires) 2020 80 Suppl 2:2
- Neuronal tangential migration from Nkx2.1-positive hypothalamus Murcia-Ramón R, Company V, Juárez-Leal I, Andreu-Cervera A, Almagro-García F, Martínez S, Echevarría D, Puelles E Brain Struct Funct 2020 225(9):2857
- Spanish Cell Therapy Network (TerCel): 15 years of successful collaborative translational research Sánchez-Guijo F, García-Olmo D, Prósper F, Martínez S, Zapata A, Fernández-Avilés F, Toledo-Aral JJ, Torres M, Fariñas I, Badimón L, Labandeira-García JL, García-Sancho J, Moraleda JM Cytotherapy 2020 22(1):1
- Childhood adversities and 5-HTTLPR polymorphism as risk factors of substance use disorders: retrospective case-control study in Murcia (Spain) Navarro-Mateu F, Quesada MP, Escámez T, Alcaráz MJ, Seiquer de la Peña C, Salmerón D, Huerta JM, Vilagut G, Chirlaque MD, Navarro C, Husky M, Kessler RC, Alonso J, Martínez S BMJ Open 2019 9(9):e030328
- Dopaminergic control of ADAMTS2 expression through cAMP/CREB and ERK: molecular effects of antipsychotics Ruso-Julve F, Pombero A, Pilar-Cuéllar F, García-Díaz N, Garcia-Lopez R, Juncal-Ruiz M, Castro E, Díaz Á, Vazquez-Bourgón J, García-Blanco A, Garro-Martinez E, Pisonero H, Estirado A, Ayesa-Arriola R, López-Giménez J, Mayor F Jr, Valdizán E, Meana J, Gonzalez-Maeso J, Martínez S, Vaqué JP, Crespo-Facorro B Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019 9(1):306
- Glioblastoma ablates pericytes antitumor immune function through aberrant up-regulation of chaperone-mediated autophagy Valdor R, García-Bernal D, Riquelme D, Martinez CM, Moraleda JM, Cuervo AM, Macian F, Martinez S Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019 116(41):20655
- Modification of the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by the 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms after Lorca’s earthquakes (Murcia, Spain) Navarro-Mateu F, Escámez T, Quesada MP, Alcaráz MJ, Vilagut G, Salmerón D, Huerta JM, Chirlaque MD, Navarro C, Kessler RC, Alonso J, Martínez S Psychiatry Res 2019 282:112640
- Neurobiological bases of autism and cellular models for its experimental study Martínez-Morga M, Paz Quesada M, Bueno C, Martinez S Medicina 2019 79:27
- Non-proliferative neurogenesis in human periodontal ligament stem cells Bueno C, Martínez-Morga M, Martínez S Scientifc Reports 2019 9:18038
- Radial glia fibers translate Fgf8 morphogenetic signals to generate a thalamic nuclear complex protomap in the mantle layer Botella-Lopez A, Garcia-Lopez R, Pombero A, Martinez S Brain Struct Funct 2019 224(2):661
- Safety and Biodistribution of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Injected Intrathecally in Non-Obese Diabetic Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Mice: Preclinical Study Quesada MP, García-Bernal D, Pastor D, Estirado A, Blanquer M, García-Hernández AM, Moraleda JM, Martínez S Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2019 16(5):525
- Synaptic mechanisms underlying the intense firing of neocortical layer 5B pyramidal neurons in response to cortico-cortical inputs Sempere-Ferrandez A, Martinez S, Geijo-Barrientos E Brain Struct Funct 2019 224(4):1403
- The association of telomere length with substance use disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis protocol Navarro-Mateu F, Rubio-Aparicio M, Cayuela P, Álvarez FJ, Roca-Vega A, Chirlaque MD, Cayuela ML, Husky M, Martínez S, Sánchez-Meca J Systematic Reviews 2019 8(1):298
- Clinical Phenotypes Associated to Engrailed 2 Gene Alterations in a Series of Neuropediatric Patients Carratala-Marco F, Andreo-Lillo P, Martinez-Morga M, Escamez-Martinez T, Botella-Lopez A, Bueno C, Martinez S Front Neuroanat 2018 12:61
- Intramuscular transplantation of bone marrow cells prolongs the lifespan of SOD1(G93A) mice and modulates expression of prognosis biomarkers of the disease Rando A, Pastor D, Viso-Leon MC, Martinez A, Manzano R, Navarro X, Osta R, Martinez S Stem Cell Res Ther 2018 9:90
- Neurobiological bases of autistic spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: neural differentiation and synaptogenesis Martinez-Morga M, Quesada-Rico MP, Bueno C, Martinez S Rev Neurol 2018 66:S97
- Prostaglandin EP2 Receptors Mediate Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Neuroprotective Effects on Dopaminergic Neurons Parga JA, García-Garrote M, Martínez S, Raya Á, Labandeira-García JL, Rodríguez-Pallares J Mol Neurobiol 2018 55(6):4763
- Vascular pattern of the dentate gyrus is regulated by neural progenitors Pombero A, Garcia-Lopez R, Estirado A, Martinez S Brain Struct Funct 2018 223(4):1971
- Cancer and central nervous system disorders: protocol for an umbrella review of systematic reviews and updated meta-analyses of observational studies Catala-Lopez F, Hutton B, Driver JA, Page MJ, Ridao M,Valderas JM, Alonso-Arroyo A, Fores-Martos J, Martinez S, Genova-Maleras R, Macias-Saint-Gerons D, Crespo-Facorro B, Vieta E, Valencia A, Tabares-Seisdedos R Syst Rev 2017 6(1):69
- Glioblastoma progression is assisted by induction of immunosuppressive function of pericytes through interaction with tumor cells Valdor R, Garcia-Bernal D, Bueno C, Rodenas M, Moraleda JM Macian F, Martinez S Oncotarget 2017 8(40):68614
- Neuroplasticity: synaptogenesis during normal development and its implication in intellectual disability Martinez-Morga M, Martinez S Rev Neurol 2017 64:S45
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental disorders in the general population after Lorca’s earthquakes, 2011 (Murcia, Spain): A cross-sectional study Navarro-Mateu F, Salmeron D, Vilagut G, Tormo MJ, Ruiz-Merino G, Escamez T, Judez J, Martinez S, Koenen KC, Navarro C, Alonso J, Kessler RC PLoS One 2017 12(7):e0179690
- Brain development and plasticity Martinez-Morga M, Martinez S Rev Neurol 2016 62:S3
- Brain mesenchymal stem cells: physiology and pathological implications Pombero A, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez S Dev Growth Differ 2016 58(5):469
- Breathing pattern in a phase I clinical trial of intraspinal injection of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Ruiz-Lopez FJ, Guardiola J, Izura V, Gomez-Espuch J, Iniesta F, Blanquer M, Lopez-San Roman J, Saez V, De Mingo P, Martinez S, Moraleda JM Respir Physiol Neuro 2016 221:54
- Developmental guidance of the retroflex tract at its bending point involves Robo1-Slit2-mediated floor plate repulsion Moreno-Bravo JA, Martinez-Lopez JE, Madrigal MP, Kim M, Mastick GS, Lopez-Bendito G, Martinez S, Puelles E Brain Struct Funct 2016 221(1):665
- Fgf15 regulates thalamic development by controlling the expression of proneural genes Martinez-Ferre A, Lloret-Quesada C, Prakash N, Wurst W, Rubenstein JL, Martinez S Brain Struct Funct 2016 221(6):3095
- FoxP1 Protein Shows Differential Layer Expression in the Parahippocampal Domain among Bird Species Garcia-Calero E, Martinez S Brain Behav Evol 2016 87(4):242
- FoxP2 protein levels regulate cell morphology changes and migration patterns in the vertebrate developing telencephalon Garcia-Calero E, Botella-Lopez A, Bahamonde O, Perez-Balaguer A, Martinez S Brain Struct Funct 2016 221(6):2905
- Intraventricular injections of mesenchymal stem cells activate endogenous functional remyelination in a chronic demyelinating murine model Cruz-Martinez P, Gonzalez-Granero S, Molina-Navarro MM, Pacheco-Torres J, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Geijo-Barrientos E, Jones J, Martinez S Cell Death Dis 2016 7:e2223
- Mesencephalic origin of the rostral Substantia nigra pars reticulata Madrigal MP, Moreno-Bravo JA, Martinez-Lopez JE, Martinez S, Puelles E Brain Struct Funct 2016 221(3):1403
- Preface to the special issue, Embryonic and adult neurogenesis in vertebrate’ Nakamura H, Martinez S Dev Growth Differ 2016 58(5):425
- Rett Syndrome Mutant Neural Cells Lacks MeCP2 Immunoreactive Bands Bueno C, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Moraleda JM, Martinez S PLoS One 2016 11(4):e0153262
- Wnt1 signal determines the patterning of the diencephalic dorso-ventral axis Navarro-Garberi M, Bueno C, Martinez S Brain Struct Funct 2016 221(7):3693
- Attractive Action of FGF-Signaling Contributes to the Postnatal Developing Hippocampus Cuccioli V, Bueno C, Belvindrah R, Lledo PM, Martinez S Hippocampus 2015 25(4):486
- Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model Garcia-Lopez R, Pombero A, Dominguez E, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martinez S Exp Neurol 2015 271:215
- Hairy/Enhancer-of-Split MEGANE and Proneural MASH1 Factors Cooperate Synergistically in Midbrain GABAergic Neurogenesis Wende CZ, Zoubaa S, Blak A, Echevarria D, Martinez S, Guillemot F, Wurst W, Guimera J PLoS One 2015 10(5):e0127681
- Mesencephalic basolateral domain specification is dependent on Sonic Hedgehog Martinez-Lopez JE, Moreno-Bravo JA, Madrigal MP, Martinez S, Puelles E Front Neuroanat 2015 9:12
- Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improve Motor Functions and Decrease Neurodegeneration in Ataxic Mice Jones J, Estirado A, Redondo C, Pacheco-Torres J, Sirerol-Piquer MS, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Martinez S Mol Ther 2015 23(1):130
- Novel aberrant genetic and epigenetic events in Friedreich’s ataxia Quesada MP, Jones J, Rodriguez-Lozano FJ, Moraleda JM, Martinez S Exp Cell Res 2015 335(1):51
- Red nucleus and rubrospinal tract disorganization in the absence of Pou4f1 Martinez-Lopez JE, Moreno-Bravo JA, Madrigal MP, Martinez S, Puelles E Front Neuroanat 2015 9:8
- The 2-subunit of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor is specifically expressed in medial subpallium-derived cells of mammalian amygdala Pombero A, Martinez S J Comp Neurol 2015 523(11):1608
- A High-Resolution Spatiotemporal Atlas of Gene Expression of the Developing Mouse Brain Thompson CL, Ng L, Menon V, Martinez S, Lee CK, Glattfelder K, Sunkin SM, Henry A, Lau C, Dang C, Garcia-Lopez R, Martinez-Ferre A, Pombero A, Rubenstein JLR, Wakeman WB, Hawrylycz MJ, Puelles L, Jones AR Neuron 2014 83(2):309
- FGF8 activates proliferation and migration in mouse post-natal oligodendrocyte progenitor cells Cruz-Martinez P, Martinez-Ferre A, Jaramillo-Merchan J, Estirado A, Martinez S, Jones J PLoS One 2014 9(9):e108241
- Glioblastoma: a pathogenic crosstalk between tumor cells and pericytes Caspani EM, Crossley PH, Redondo-Garcia C, Martinez S PLoS One 2014 9(7):e101402
- Growth and differentiation factor 10 (Gdf10) is involved in Bergmann glial cell development under Shh regulation Mecklenburg N, Martinez-Lopez JE, Moreno-Bravo JA, Perez-Balaguer A, Puelles E, Martinez S Glia 2014 62(10):1713
- Interstitial deletion 14q223-q232: Genotype-phenotype correlation Martinez-Frias ML, Ocejo-Vinyals JG, Arteaga R, Martinez-Fernandez ML, Macdonald A, Perez-Belmonte E, Bermejo-Sanchez E, Martinez S Am J Med Genet A 2014 164(3):639
- Inverse and Direct Cancer Comorbidity in People with Central Nervous System Disorders: A Meta-Analysis of Cancer Incidence in 577,013 Participants of 50 Observational Studies Catala-Lopez F, Suarez-Pinilla M, Suarez-Pinilla P, Valderas JM, Gomez-Beneyto M, Martinez S, Balanza-Martinez V, Climent J, Valencia A,McGrath J, Crespo-Facorro B, Sanchez-Moreno J, Vieta E, Tabares-Seisdedor R Psychother Psychosom 2014 83(2):89
- Role of Shh in the development of molecularly characterized tegmental nuclei in mouse rhombomere 1 Moreno-Bravo JA, Perez-Balaguer A, Martinez-Lopez JE, Aroca P, Puelles L, Martinez S, Puelles E Brain Struct Funct 2014 219(3):777
- Stem cell injection in the hindlimb skeletal muscle enhances neurorepair in mice with spinal cord injury Cruz-Martinez P, Pastor D, Estirado A, Pacheco-Torres J, Martinez S, Jones J Regen Med 2014 9(5):579
- The cerebellum: from development to structural complexity and motor learning Martinez S Front Neuroanat 2014 8:118
- Acute and chronic MRI changes in the spine and spinal cord after surgical stem cell grafting in patients with definite amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Post-infusion injuries are unrelated with clinical impairment Garcia-Santos JM, Blanquer M, Torres del Rio S, Iniesta F, Espuch JG, Perez-Espejo MT, Martinez S, Moraleda JM J Magn Reson Imaging 2013 31(8):1298
- Bone marrow transplantation in hindlimb muscles of motoneuron degenerative mice reduces neuronal death and improves motor function Pastor D, Viso-Leon MC, Botella-Lopez A, Jaramillo-Merchan J, Moraleda JM, Jones J, Martinez S Stem Cells Dev 2013 22(11):1633
- Cellular and molecular basis of cerebellar development Martinez S, Andreu A, Mecklenburg N, Echevarria D Front Neuroanat 2013 7:18
- Differences in number and distribution of striatal calbindin medium spiny neurons between a vocal-learner (Melopsittacus undulatus) and a non-vocal learner bird (Colinus virginianus) Garcia-Calero E, Bahamonde O, Martinez S Front Neuroanat 2013 7:46
- Epidemiology and genetics of common mental disorders in the general population: the PEGASUS-Murcia project Navarro-Mateu F, Tormo M, Vilagut G, Alonso J, Ruiz-Merino G, Escamez T, Salmeron D, Judez J, Martinez S, Navarro C BMJ OPEN 2013 3(12):e004035
- Human adult periodontal ligament-derived cells integrate and differentiate after implantation into the adult mammalian brain Bueno C, Ramirez C, Rodriguez-Lozano FJ, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Rodenas M, Moraleda JM, Jones JR, Martinez S Cell Transplant 2013 22(11):2017
- Mesenchymal stromal-cell transplants induce oligodendrocyte progenitor migration and remyelination in a chronic demyelination model Jaramillo-Merchan J, Jones J, Ivorra JL, Pastor D, Viso-Leon MC, Armengol JA, Molto MD, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martinez S Cell Death Dis 2013 4:e779
- Roles of Wnt8a during formation and patterning of the mouse inner ear Vendrell V, Vazquez-Echevarria C, Lopez-Hernandez I, Alonso BD, Martinez S, Pujades C, Schimmang T Mech Dev 2013 130:160
- Stem Cells from Wildtype and Friedreich’s Ataxia Mice Present Similar Neuroprotective Properties in Dorsal Root Ganglia Cells Jones J, Estirado A, Redondo C, Martinez S PLoS One 2013 8(5):e62807
- Wnt signal specifies the intrathalamic limit and its organizer properties by regulating Shh induction in the alar plate Martinez-Ferre A, Navarro-Garberi M, Bueno C, Martinez S J Neurosci 2013 33(9):3967
- Comparative Effects between Bone Marrow and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in GDNF Expression and Motor Function Recovery in a Motorneuron Degenerative Mouse Model Pastor D, Viso-Leon MC, Jones J, Jaramillo-Merchan J, Toledo-Aral JJ, Moraleda JM, Martinez S Stem Cell Rev Rep 2012 8(2):445
- Developmental dynamics of PAFAH1B subunits during mouse brain development Escamez T, Bahamonde O, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Vieta E, Martinez S, Echevarria D J Comp Neurol 2012 520(17):3877
- Fgf8-Related Secondary Organizers Exert Different Polarizing Planar Instructions along the Mouse Anterior Neural Tube Crespo-Enriquez I, Partanen J, Martinez S, Echevarria D PLoS ONE 2012 7(7):e39977
- Helios Transcription Factor Expression Depends on Gsx2 and Dlx1&2 Function in Developing Striatal Matrix Neurons Martin-Ibanez R, Crespo E, Esgleas M, Urban N, Wang B, Waclaw R, Georgopoulos K, Martinez S, Campbell K, Vicario-Abejon C, Alberch J, Chan S, Kastner P, Rubenstein JL, Canals JM Stem Cells Dev 2012 21(12):2239
- Human adipose stem cell-conditioned medium increases survival of Friedreich’s ataxia cells submitted to oxidative stress Jones J, Estirado A, Redondo C, Bueno C, Martinez S Stem Cells Dev 2012 21(15):2817
- Mesenchymal dental stem cells in regenerative dentistry Rodriguez-Lozano FJ, Insausti CL, Iniesta F, Blanquer M, Ramirez MC, Meseguer L, Meseguer-Henarejos AB, Marin N, Martinez S, Moraleda JM Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2012 17(6):17925
- Molecular Regionalization of the Developing Neural Tube Martinez S, Puelles E, Puelles L, EchevarriaD MOUSE NERVOUS SYSTEM 2012 p. 2
- Molecular regionalization of the diencephalon Martinez-Ferre A, Martinez S Front Neurosci 2012 6:UNSP 73
- Neurotrophic Bone Marrow Cellular Nests Prevent Spinal Motoneuron Degeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients: A Pilot Safety Study Blanquer M, Moraleda JM, Iniesta F, Gomez-Espuch J, Meca-Lallana J, Vilaverde R, Perez-Espejo MA, Ruiz-Lopez FJ, Santos JMG, Bleda P, Izura V,S aez M, De Mingo P, Vivancos L, Carles R, Jimenez J, Hernandez J, Guardiola J, Del Rio ST, Antunez C, De la Rosa P, MajadoMJ, Sanchez-Salinas A, Lopez J, Martinez-Lage JF, Martinez S Stem Cells 2012 30(6):1277
- Tissue Engineering with Dental Pulp Stem Cells: Isolation, Characterization, and Osteogenic Differentiation Rodriguez-Lozano FJ, Insausti CL, Meseguer L, Ramirez MC, Martinez S, Moraleda JM J Craniofac Surg 2012 23(6):E571
- A High-Resolution Anatomical Atlas of the Transcriptome in the Mouse Embryo Diez-Roux G, Banfi S, Sultan M, Geffers L, Anand S, Rozado D, Magen A, Canidio E, Pagani M, Peluso I, Lin-Marq N, Koch M, Bilio M, Cantiello I, Verde R, De Masi C, Bianchi SA, Cicchini J, Perroud E, Mehmeti S, Dagand E, Schrinner S, Nürnberger A, Schmidt K, Metz K, Zwingmann C, Brieske N, Springer C, Hernandez AM, Herzog S, Grabbe F, Sieverding C, Fischer B, Schrader K, Brockmeyer M, Dettmer S, Helbig C, Alunni V, Battaini MA, Mura C, Henrichsen CN, Garcia-Lopez R, Echevarria D, Puelles E, Garcia-Calero E, Kruse S, Uhr M, Kauck C, Feng G, Milyaev N, Ong CK, Kumar L, Lam M, Semple CA, Gyenesei A, Mundlos S, Radelof U, Lehrach H, Sarmientos P, Reymond A, Davidson DR, Dolle P, Antonarakis SE, Yaspo ML, Martinez S, Baldock RA, Eichele G, Ballabio A PLoS Biol 2011 9(1):e1000582
- Cerebellar Oligodendroglial Cells have a Mesencephalic Origin Mecklenburg N, Garcia-Lopez R, Puelles E, Sotelo C, Martinez S Glia 2011 59(12):1946
- Mesenchymal stem cells derived from dental tissues Rodriguez-Lozano FJ, Bueno C, Insausti CL, Meseguer L, Ramirez MC, Blanquer M, Marin N, Martinez S, Moraleda JM Int Endod J 2011 44(9):800
- No paradox, no progress: inverse cancer comorbidity in people with other complex diseases Tabares-Seisdedos R, Dumont N, Baudot A, Valderas JM, Climent J, Valencia A, Crespo-Facorro B, Vieta E, Gomez-Beneyto M, Martinez S, Rubenstein JL Lancet Oncol 2011 12(6):604
- Pallial origin of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of Meynert and horizontal limb of the diagonal band nucleus Pombero A, Bueno C, Saglietti L, Rodenas M, Guimera J, Bulfone A, Martinez S Development 2011 138(19):4315
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