Emilio Geijo Barrientos
Jefe de grupo
Catedrático UMH
965 91 9534 - Lab 239
- Neurobiología de las enfermedades mentales, neurodegenerativas y neurooncológicas (URL:
- Construcción y adaptación de los circuitos neuronales en redes funcionales
- Investigación traslacional de las enfermedades neurológicas y psiquiátricas
- Neuronal progenitors of the dentate gyrus express the SARS‑CoV‑2 cell receptor during migration in the developing human hippocampus. Hernandez‑Lopez JM, Hernandez‑Medina C, Medina‑Corvalan C, Rodenas M, Almagro F, Perez‑Garcia C, Echevarria D, Carratala F, Geijo‑Barrientos E, Martinez S. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2023 80: art.140
- Abnormalities in Cortical GABAergic Interneurons of the Primary Motor Cortex Caused by Lis1 (Pafah1b1) Mutation Produce a Non-drastic Functional Phenotype. Domínguez-Sala E, Valdés-Sánchez L, Canals S, Reiner O, Pombero A, García-López R, Estirado A, Pastor D, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martínez S Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 10: art 769853
- Properties of the epileptiform activity in the cingulate cortex of a mouse model of LIS1 dysfunction. Domínguez-Sala E, Andreu-Cervera A, Martín-Climent P, Murcia-Ramón R, Martínez S, Geijo-Barrientos E Brain Struct Funct. 2022 227 (5): 1599-1614
- Interneuron Heterotopia in the Lis1 Mutant Mouse Cortex Underlies a Structural and Functional Schizophrenia-Like Phenotype Garcia-Lopez R, Pombero A, Estirado A, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martinez S Front Cell Dev Biol 2021 9:693919
- Intramuscular Injection of Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Geijo-Barrientos E, Pastore-Olmedo C, De Mingo P, Blanquer M, Gómez Espuch J, Iniesta F, Iniesta NG, García-Hernández A, Martín-Estefanía C, Barrios L, Moraleda JM, Martínez S Front Neurosci 2020 14:195
- Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons of the Mouse Granular Retrosplenial Cortex and Their Innervation by Cortico-Cortical Axons Robles RM, Domínguez-Sala E, Martínez S, Geijo-Barrientos E Front Neural Circuits 2020 14:576504
- Synaptic mechanisms underlying the intense firing of neocortical layer 5B pyramidal neurons in response to cortico-cortical inputs Sempere-Ferrandez A, Martinez S, Geijo-Barrientos E Brain Struct Funct 2019 224(4):1403
- Callosal responses in a retrosplenial column Sempere-Ferràndez A, Andres-Bayon B, Geijo-Barrientos E Brain Struct Funct 2018 223(3):1051
- Blocking miRNA Biogenesis in Adult Forebrain Neurons Enhances Seizure Susceptibility, Fear Memory, and Food Intake by Increasing Neuronal Responsiveness Fiorenza A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Rovira V, Scandaglia M, Geijo-Barrientos E, Barco A Cereb Cortex 2016 26(4):1619
- Intra- and Interhemispheric Propagation of Electrophysiological Synchronous Activity and Its Modulation by Serotonin in the Cingulate Cortex of Juvenile Mice Rovira V, Geijo-Barrientos E PLoS One 2016 11(3):e0150092
- Intraventricular injections of mesenchymal stem cells activate endogenous functional remyelination in a chronic demyelinating murine model Cruz-Martinez P, Gonzalez-Granero S, Molina-Navarro MM, Pacheco-Torres J, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Geijo-Barrientos E, Jones J, Martinez S Cell Death Dis 2016 7:e2223
- Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model Garcia-Lopez R, Pombero A, Dominguez E, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martinez S Exp Neurol 2015 271:215
- Mesenchymal stromal-cell transplants induce oligodendrocyte progenitor migration and remyelination in a chronic demyelination model Jaramillo-Merchan J, Jones J, Ivorra JL, Pastor D, Viso-Leon MC, Armengol JA, Molto MD, Geijo-Barrientos E, Martinez S Cell Death Dis 2013 4:e779
- Presence of repeater F-waves in the early stage of Guillain-Barre syndrome Geijo-Barrientos E, Gonzalez O, Pastore-Olmedo C J Peripher Nerv Syst 2012 17(1):128
- Inhibition by 5-HT of the synaptic responses evoked by callosal fibers on cortical neurons in the mouse Troca-Marin JA, Geijo-Barrientos E Pflugers Arch 2010 460(6):1073