Biochrom Ultrospec 2100 pro (room 023) Stand alone UV-Visible cuvette spectrophotometer to measure absorbance and/or concentration of nucleic acids and proteins, among others.
Branson Sonifier SFX550 (room 023) Sonifier for cell diruption, homogenization and/or emulsification through cavitation (550W) equipped with low and high-volume tips (from 0.2 to 1000ml)
Bio-Rad Pulse Field Electrophoresys System CHEF-DR II (room “omics”): Pulse Field Electrophoresis (120º) for chromosome-size DNA molecules (up to 250V and 500mA). User’s manual
GE Ettan IPGphor Isoelectric Focusing System (room “omics”): Two-dimensions (up to 12 strip holders and 8000 V) User’s manual
GE MiniVe Electrophoresys System room “omics”): Vertical Electrophoresis system (tank vol. 1.7L) User’s manual
Another equipments
Speed-Vac Eppendorf (room 023) Concentrator with PTFE filter membrane and condensation trap.
Speed-Vac DNA mini (room 023) Centrifugal Vacuum Evaporator/Concentrator (Temp range from 30 to 60ºC, and up to 12 mbar vaccum and 1800 rpm centrifugation)