Mª Salud García Ayllón
Investigador Asociado
965 91 9483
- Mecanismos moleculares alterados en la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias (URL:
- Presenilin 1 Modulates Acetylcholinesterase Trafficking and Maturation. Cortés-Gómez, M.Á., Barberá, V.M., Alom, J., Sáez-Valero, J., García-Ayllón, M.-S. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 24(2): art. 1437
- Proceedings of workshop: «Neuroglycoproteins in health and disease», INNOGLY cost action Llop, E., Ardá, A., Zacco, E., O’Flaherty, R., García-Ayllón, M.-S., Aureli, M., Frenkel-Pinter, M., Reis, C.A., Greiner-Tollersrud, O.K., Cuchillo-Ibáñez, I. Glycoconj Journal. 2022 39(5): 579-586
- Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 as a potential biomarker for SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccine efficacy. Lennol, M.P., García-Ayllón, M.-S., Esteban, M., García-Arriaza, J., Sáez-Valero, J. Frontiers in Immunology 2022 13: art 1001951
- Plasma ACE2 species are differentially altered in COVID-19 patients García-Ayllón MS, Moreno-Pérez O, García-Arriaza J, Ramos-Rincón JM, Cortés-Gómez MÁ, Brinkmalm G, Andrés M, León-Ramírez JM, Boix V, Gil J, Zetterberg H, Esteban M, Merino E, Sáez-Valero J FASEB J 2021 35(8):e21745
- Relation between Alpha-Synuclein and Core CSF Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease Monge-García V, García-Ayllón MS, Sáez-Valero J, Sánchez-Payá J, Navarrete-Rueda F, Manzanares-Robles J, Gasparini-Berenguer R, Romero-Lorenzo R, Cortés-Gómez MA, Monge-Argilés JA Medicina (Kaunas) 2021 57(9):954
- Tau phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta modulates enzyme acetylcholinesterase expression Cortés-Gómez MÁ, Llorens-Álvarez E, Alom J, Del Ser T, Avila J, Sáez-Valero J, García-Ayllón MS J Neurochem 2021 157(6):2091
- a-Secretase nonsense mutation (ADAM10 Tyr167*) in familial Alzheimer’s disease Agüero P, Sainz MJ, García-Ayllón MS, Sáez-Valero J, Téllez R, Guerrero-López R, Pérez-Pérez J, Jiménez-Escrig A, Gómez-Tortosa E Alzheimers Res Ther 2020 12(1):139
- Measurement of CSF alpha-synuclein improves early differential diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease García-Ayllón MS, Monge-Argilés JA, Monge-García V, Navarrete F, Cortés-Gómez MA, Sánchez-Payá J, Manzanares J, Gasparini-Berenguer R, Leiva-Santana C, Sáez-Valero J Journal of Neurochemistry 2019 150(2):218
- Pre-analytical stability of novel cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers Willemse EAJ, Vermeiren Y, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Bridel C, De Deyn PP, Engelborghs S, van der Flier WM, Jansen EEW, Lopez-Font IB, Mendes V, Manadas B, de Roeck N, Saez-Valero J, Struys EA, Vanmechelen E, Andreasson U, Teunissen CE Clinica Chimica Acta 2019 497:204
- Inhibition of gamma-Secretase Leads to an Increase in Presenilin-1 Sogorb-Esteve A, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Llansola M, Felipo V, Blennow K, Saez-Valero J Mol Neurobiol 2018 55(6):5047
- Levels of ADAM10 are reduced in Alzheimer’s disease CSF Sogorb-Esteve A, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Gobom J, Alom J, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Saez-Valero J J Neuroinflammation 2018 15:213
- C-terminal fragments of the amyloid precursor protein in cerebrospinal fluid as potential biomarkers for Alzheimer disease Garcia-Ayllon MS, Lopez-Font I, Boix CP, Fortea J, Sanchez-Valle R, Lleo A, Molinuevo JL, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Saez-Valero J Sci Rep 2017 7:2477
- HNK-1 Carrier Glycoproteins Are Decreased in the Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Garcia-Ayllon MS, Botella-Lopez A, Cuchillo-Ibañez I, Rabano A, Andreasen N, Blennow K, avila J, Saez-Valero J Mol Neurobiol 2017 54(1):188
- Cerebrospinal fluid Presenilin-1 increases at asymptomatic stage in genetically determined Alzheimer’s disease Sogorb-Esteve A, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Fortea J, Sanchez-Valle R, Lleo A, Molinuevo JL, Saez-Valero J Mol Neurodegener 2016 11:66
- Neuromuscular Junction Impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Reassessing the Role of Acetylcholinesterase Campanari ML, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Ciura S, Saez-Valero J, Kabashi E Front Mol Neurosci 2016 9:160
- Transmembrane amyloid-related proteins in CSF as potential biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease Lopez-Font I, Cuchillo-Ibañez I, Sogorb-Esteve A, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Saez-Valero J Front Neurol 2015 6:UNSP 125
- Acetylcholinesterase Modulates Presenilin-1 Levels and ?-Secretase Activity Campanari ML, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Belbin O, Galceran J, Lleo A, Saez-Valero J J Alzheimer Dis 2014 41(3):911
- Acetylcholinesterase Protein Level Is Preserved in the Alzheimer’s Brain Campanari ML, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Blazquez-Llorca L, Luk WKW, Tsim K, Saez-Valero J J Mol Neurosci 2014 53(3):446
- ApoER2 processing by presenilin-1 modulates reelin expression Balmaceda V, Cuchillo-Ibañez I, Pujadas L, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Saura CA, Nimpf J, Soriano E, Saez-Valero J Faseb J 2014 28(4):1543
- Presenilin-1 influences processing of the acetylcholinesterase membrane anchor PRiMA Garcia-Ayllon MS, Campanari ML, Montenegro MF, Cuchillo-Ibañez I, Belbin O, Lleo A, Tsim K, Vidal CJ, Saez-Valero J Neurobiol Aging 2014 35(7):1526
- CSF Presenilin-1 complexes are increased in Alzheimer’s disease Garcia-Ayllon MS, Campanari ML, Brinkmalm G, Rabano A, Alom J, Saura CA, Andreasen N, Blennow K, Saez-Valero J Acta Neuropathol 2013 1:46
- Altered expression of brain acetylcholinesterase in FTDP-17 human tau transgenic mice Silveyra MX, Garcia-Ayllon MS, de Barreda EG, Small DH, Martinez S, Avila J, Saez-Valero J Neurobiol Aging 2012 33(3):624.e23
- Changes in acetylcholinesterase expression are associated with altered presenilin-1 levels Silveyra MX, Garcia-Ayllon MS, Serra-Basante C, Mazzoni V, Garcia-Gutierrez MS, Manzanares J, Culvenor JG, Saez-Valero J Neurobiol Aging 2012 33(3):627.e27
- Readthrough Acetylcholinesterase Is Increased in Human Liver Cirrhosis Garcia-Ayllon MS, Millan C, Serra-Basante C, Bataller R, Saez-Valero J PLoS ONE 2012 7(9):e44598
- Revisiting the Role of Acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer’s Disease: Cross-Talk with P-tau and beta-Amyloid Garcia-Ayllon MS, Small DH, Avila J, Saez-Valero J Front Mol Neurosci 2011 4:22
- Altered Levels of Acetylcholinesterase in Alzheimer Plasma Garcia-Ayllon MS, Riba-Llena I, Serra-Basante C, Alom J, Boopathy R, Saez-Valero J PLoS ONE 2010 5(1):e8701