Jose Pascual López-Atalaya Martínez
Jefe de grupo
Científico Titular CSIC
965 23 3744 - Lab 208 / email CSIC:
- Plasticidad Celular y Neuropatología (URL:
- Microglial reprogramming enhances antitumor immunity and immunotherapy response in melanoma brain metastases. Rodriguez-Baena FJ, Marquez-Galera A, Ballesteros Martínez P, Castillo A, Diaz E, Moreno-Bueno G, Lopez-Atalaya JP and Sanchez-Laorden B. Cancer Cell. 2025 43(3), 1–15
- Two distinct Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Programmes Control Invasion and Inflammation in Segregated Tumour Cell Populations. Kass Youssef, K., Narwade, N., Arcas, A., Marquez-Galera, A., Jiménez, R., Lopez-Blau, C., Fazilaty, H., García-Gutierrez, D., Cano, A., Galcerán, J., Moreno-Bueno, G., Lopez-Atalaya, J.P. and Nieto, M.A. Nature Cancer. 2024
- Cell-specific vulnerability to metabolic failure: the crucial role of parvalbumin expressing neurons in creatine transporter deficiency. Elsa Ghirardini , Giulia Sagona, Angel Marquez-Galera , Francesco Calugi, Carmen M Navarron , Francesco Cacciante , Siwei Chen , Federica Di Vetta , Lorenzo Dadà , Raffaele Mazziotti , Leonardo Lupori , Elena Putignano , Pierre Baldi , Jose P Lopez-Atalaya , Tommaso Pizzorusso, Laura Baroncelli. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2023 11(1): 34
- A protocol to extract cell-type-specific signatures from differentially expressed genes in bulk-tissue RNA-seq Marquez-Galera A, de la Prida LM, Lopez-Atalaya JP STAR Protoc 2022 3(1):101121
- CBP and p300 Jointly Maintain Neural Progenitor Viability but Play Unique Roles in the Differentiation of Neural Lineages. González-Martínez, R., Márquez-Galera, A., Del Blanco, B., López-Atalaya, J.P., Barco, A., Herrera, E. Cells 2022 11(24): 4118
- CBP is required for establishing adaptive gene programs in the adult mouse brain. Lipinski, M.#, Niñerola, S#., Fuentes-Ramos, M., Valor, L.M., del Blanco, B., López-Atalaya, J.P., Barco, A. J Neurosci. 2022 42(42): 7984-8001
- Libro Blanco Volumen 5: Cerebro, mente y comportamiento. Eloísa Herrera; José Antonio Esteban; Elisa Martí; Juan Ramón Martínez-Morales; Liset Menéndez de la Prida; Ramón Reig; Santiago Canals; Frederic Bartumeus; Esther Serrano Saiz; María Jesús Santesmases; Yolanda Sanz; José P. López-Atalaya; ISBN: 978-84-00-11012-3 - eISBN: 978-84-00-11013-0 - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 2022 Libros Blancos. (Desafíos Científicos del CSIC : Rumbo al 2030 ; vol. 5)
- Secondary loss of miR-3607 reduced cortical progenitor amplification during rodent evolution Chinnappa K, Cárdenas A, Prieto-Colomina A, Villalba A, Márquez-Galera Á, Soler R, Nomura Y, Llorens E, Tomasello U, López-Atalaya JP, Borrell V Sci Adv 2022 8(2):eabj4010
- Transcriptional regulation of chemokine network by biologic monotherapy in ileum of patients with Crohn’s disease. Linares R, Gutiérrez A, Márquez-Galera Á, Caparrós E, Aparicio JR, Madero L, Payá A, López-Atalaya JP, Francés R Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 147: art 112653
- Astrocytes and neurons share region-specific transcriptional signatures that confer regional identity to neuronal reprogramming Herrero-Navarro Á, Puche-Aroca L, Moreno-Juan V, Sempere-Ferràndez A, Espinosa A, Susín R, Torres-Masjoan L, Leyva-Díaz E, Karow M, Figueres-Oñate M, López-Mascaraque L, López-Atalaya JP, Berninger B, López-Bendito G Sci Adv 2021 7(15):eabe8978
- SFRP1 modulates astrocyte-to-microglia crosstalk in acute and chronic neuroinflammation Rueda-Carrasco J, Martin-Bermejo MJ, Pereyra G, Mateo MI, Borroto A, Brosseron F, Kummer MP, Schwartz S, López-Atalaya JP, Alarcon B, Esteve P, Heneka MT, Bovolenta P EMBO Rep 2021 22(11):e51696
- Sublayer- and cell-type-specific neurodegenerative transcriptional trajectories in hippocampal sclerosis Cid E, Marquez-Galera A, Valero M, Gal B, Medeiros DC, Navarron CM, Ballesteros-Esteban L, Reig-Viader R, Morales AV, Fernandez-Lamo I, Gomez-Dominguez D, Sato M, Hayashi Y, Bayés À, Barco A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, de la Prida LM Cell Rep 2021 35(10):109229
- A Zic2-regulated switch in a noncanonical Wnt/betacatenin pathway is essential for the formation of bilateral circuits Morenilla-Palao C, López-Cascales MT, López-Atalaya JP, Baeza D, Calvo-Díaz L, Barco A, Herrera E Sci Adv 2020 6(46):eaaz8797
- KAT3-dependent acetylation of cell type-specific genes maintains neuronal identity in the adult mouse brain Lipinski M, Muñoz-Viana R, Del Blanco B, Marquez-Galera A, Medrano-Relinque J, Caramés JM, Szczepankiewicz AA, Fernandez-Albert J, Navarrón CM, Olivares R, Wilczyński GM, Canals S, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A Nat Commun 2020 11(1):2588
- Repression of Irs2 by let-7 miRNAs is essential for homeostasis of the telencephalic neuroepithelium Fernández V, Martínez-Martínez MÁ, Prieto-Colomina A, Cárdenas A, Soler R, Dori M, Tomasello U, Nomura Y, López-Atalaya JP, Calegari F, Borrell V EMBO J 2020 39(21):e105479
- Cbp-dependent histone acetylation mediates axon regeneration induced by environmental enrichment in rodent spinal cord injury models Hutson TH, Kathe C, Palmisano I, Bartholdi K, Hervera A, De Virgiliis F, McLachlan E, Zhou L, Kong G, Barraud Q, Danzi MC, Medrano-Fernandez A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Boutillier AL, Sinha SH, Singh AK, Chaturbedy P, Moon LDF, Kundu TK, Bixby JL, Lemmon VP, Barco A, Courtine G, Di Giovanni S Sci Transl Med 2019 11(487):eaaw2064
- Development and maintenance of the brain’s immune toolkit: Microglia and non-parenchymal brain macrophages Lopez-Atalaya JP, Askew KE, Sierra A, Gomez-Nicola D Dev Neurobiol 2018 78(6):561
- Lack of IL-1R8 in neurons causes hyperactivation of IL-1 receptor pathway and induces MECP2-dependent synaptic defects Tomasoni R, Morini R, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Corradini I, Canzi A, Rasile M, Mantovani C, Pozzi D, Garlanda C, Mantovani A, Menna E, Barco A, Matteoli M Elife 2017 6:e21735
- Loss of Kdm5c Causes Spurious Transcription and Prevents the Fine-Tuning of Activity-Regulated Enhancers in Neurons Scandaglia M, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Medrano-Fernandez A, Lopez-Cascales MT, Del Blanco B, Lipinski M, Benito E, Olivares R, Iwase S, Shi Y, Barco A Cell Rep 2017 21(1):47
- Blocking miRNA Biogenesis in Adult Forebrain Neurons Enhances Seizure Susceptibility, Fear Memory, and Food Intake by Increasing Neuronal Responsiveness Fiorenza A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Rovira V, Scandaglia M, Geijo-Barrientos E, Barco A Cereb Cortex 2016 26(4):1619
- Specific promoter deacetylation of histone H3 is conserved across mouse models of Huntington’s disease in the absence of bulk changes Guiretti D, Sempere A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Ferrer-Montiel A, Barco A, Valor LM Neurobiol Dis 2016 89:190
- Brain size regulations by cbp haploinsufficiency evaluated by in-vivo MRI based volumetry Ateca-Cabarga JC, Cosa A, Pallares V, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A, Canals S, Moratal D Sci Rep 2015 5:16256
- Can changes in histone acetylation contribute to memory formation? Lopez-Atalaya J, Barco A Trends Genet 2014 30(12):529
- Epigenetic factors in intellectual disability: the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome as a paradigm of neurodevelopmental disorder with epigenetic origin Lopez-Atalaya JP, Valor LM, Barco A Prog Molec Biol Transl Sci 2014 128:139
- Loss of neuronal 3D chromatin organization causes transcriptional and behavioural deficits related to serotonergic dysfunction Ito S, Magalska A, Alcaraz-Iborra M, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Rovira V,Contreras-Moreira B, Lipinski M, Olivares R, Martinez-Hernandez J,Ruszczycki B, Lujan R,Geijo-Barrientos E,Wilczynski GM, Barco A Nat Commun 2014 5:4450
- Genomic landscape of transcriptional and epigenetic dysregulation in early-onset polyglutamine disease Valor LM, Guiretti D, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A J Neurosci 2013 33(25):10471
- Genomic targets, and histone acetylation and gene expression profiling of neural HDAC inhibiton Lopez-Atalaya JP, Ito S, Valor LM, Benito E, Barco A Nucleic Acids Res 2013 41(17):8072
- Histone H3 lysine methylation in cognition and intellectual disability disorders Parkel S, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A Learn Mem 2013 20(10):570
- Lysine acetyltransferases CBP and p300 as therapeutic targets in cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders Valor LM, Viosca J, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A Curr Pharm Design 2013 19(28):5051
- Histone acetylation deficits in lymphoblastoid cell lines from patients with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome Lopez-Atalaya JP, Gervasini C, Mottadelli F, Spena S, Piccione M, Scarano G, Selicorni A, Barco A, Larizza L J Med Genet 2012 49(1):66
- CBP is required for environmental enrichment-induced neurogenesis and cognitive enhancement Lopez-Atalaya JP, Ciccarelli A, Viosca J, Valor LM, Jimenez-Minchan M, Canals S, Giustetto M, Barco A EMBO J 2011 30(20):4287
- Syndromic features and mild cognitive impairment in mice with genetic reduction on p300 activity: Differential contribution of p300 and CBP to Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome etiology Viosca J, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Olivares R, Eckner R, Barco A Neurobiol Dis 2010 37(1):186