A 3-year scholarship, starting September 16th 2023, leading to a PhD in Neuroscience is available in research group: Sensory Transduction and Nociception

A 3-year scholarship, starting September 16th 2023, leading to a PhD in Neuroscience is available in our research group (Sensory Transduction and Nociception) at the Institute of Neuroscience in Alicante (Spain).


Upon successful PhD defense, the grantee would have the possibility of continuing as a junior postdoc for an additional year.The fellowship is funded by the regional government of Valencia (Generalitat Valenciana) under the GRISOLIA Program.

The project will look at the role of potassium channels in the modulation of chronic pain mechanisms, using optogenetic tools and photopharmacology.

More information in the attached file.

Laboratorio Lab. Sensory Transduction and Nociception
Email felix.viana@umh.es
Fecha final 20/07/2023