Francisco J. Tejedor Rescalvo
Jefe de grupo
Investigador Científico CSIC
965 91 9423 / 9382 - Lab 110
- Neurogenética Molecular (URL:
- A novel proneural function of Asense is integrated with the sequential actions of Delta-Notch, L’sc and Su(H) to promote the neuroepithelial to neuroblast transition. Mercedes Martin,Francisco Gutierrez-Avino,Mirja N. Shaikh,Francisco J. Tejedor PLos Genet. 2023 19(10): e1010991
- Chr21 protein-protein interactions: enrichment in proteins involved in intellectual disability, autism, and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Viard , Yann Loe-Mie, Rachel Daudin , Malik Khelfaoui , Christine Plancon, Anne Boland, Tejedor FJ et al. Life Sci Alliance . 2022 5 (12) : art e202101205
- Mnb/Dyrk1A orchestrates a transcriptional network at the transition from self-renewing neurogenic progenitors to postmitotic neuronal precursors Shaikh MN, Tejedor FJ J Neurogen 2018 32(1):37
- Minibrain drives the Dacapo-dependent cell cycle exit of neurons in the Drosophila brain by promoting asense and prospero expression Shaikh MN, Gutierrez-Aviño F, Colonques J, Ceron J, Hämmerle B, Tejedor FJ Development 2016 143(17):3195
- DYRK1A: A Potential Drug Target for Multiple Down Syndrome Neuropathologies Becker W, Soppa U, Tejedor FJ CNS Neurol Disord-Drug Targets 2014 13(1):26
- The Down syndrome-related protein kinase DYRK1A phosphorylates p27(Kip1) and Cyclin D1 and induces cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation Soppa U, Schumacher J, Florencio V, Pasqualon T, Tejedor FJ, Becker W Cell Cycle 2014 13(13):2084
- A Transient Expression of Prospero Promotes Cell Cycle Exit of Drosophila Postembryonic Neurons through the Regulation of Dacapo Colonques J, Ceron J, Reichert H, Tejedor FJ PLoS ONE 2011 6(4):e19342
- MNB/DYRK1A as a multiple regulator of neuronal development Tejedor FJ, Hammerle B FEBS J 2011 278(2):223
- Transient expression of Mnb/Dyrk1a couples cell cycle exit and differentiation of neuronal precursors by inducing p27(KIP1) expression and suppressing NOTCH signaling Hammerle B, Ulin E, Guimera J, Becker W, Guillemot F, Tejedor FJ Development 2011 138(12):2543
- Local translation of dendritic RhoA revealed by an improved synaptoneurosome preparation Troca-Marin JA, Alves-Sampaio A, Tejedor FJ, Montesinos ML Mol Cell Neurosci 2010 43(3):308