Lines of investigation
The basal ganglia are involved in a wide range of functions including decision-making, reward motor learning and selection motor sequences, all of which require integration of sensory and motor information. Problems in the basal ganglia function can generate numerous and diverse neurological disorders, for example: Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases, Tourette syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dystonia and also attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The striatum (caudate nucleus & putamen) is the “door” or input layer of the basal ganglia that receives inputs from multiple cortical areas as prefrontal, motor or sensory, and thalamus. The striatum is best known for its role in planning and selecting motor sequences. But selection of proper motor sequences also requires the prioritizing of sensory information. Sensory information from different modalities such as tactile, visual, auditory or olfactory, all converge in the striatum. All of these simultaneous inputs have to be processed, filtered and integrated in order to select the appropriate ones. How striatal neurons process the information is largely unknown. We aim to study the role of the striatum in the sensory processing and its interplay with motor functions. To answer this question we use complementary electrophysiological, optical and anatomical methods.
Representative Publications
- Cholecystokinin Modulates Corticostriatal Transmission and Plasticity in Rodents. Chloé Guillaume, María Sáez, Patricia Parnet, Ramón Reig and Vincent Paillé. eNeuro 2025 12 (3) ENEURO.0251-24.2025
- Callosal inputs generate side-invariant receptive fields in the barrel cortex. Montanari R, Alegre-Cortés J, Alonso-Andrés A, Cabrera-Moreno J, Navarro I, García-Frigola C, Sáez M & Reig R. Science Adv. 2023 9: (48)
- Medium spiny neurons activity reveals the discrete segregation of mouse dorsal striatum Alegre-Cortés J, Sáez M, Montanari R, Reig R eLife 2021 10:e60580
- A New Micro-holder Device for Local Drug Delivery during In Vivo Whole-cell Recordings Saez M, Ketzef M, Alegre-Cortes J, Reig R, Silberberg G Neuroscience 2018 381:115
- Distinct Corticostriatal and Intracortical Pathways Mediate Bilateral Sensory Responses in the Striatum Ramon Reig , Gilad Silberberg Cereb Cortex 2016 26(12):4405
- Gain modulation of synaptic inputs by network state in auditory cortex in vivo Ramon Reig , Yann Zerlaut, Ramiro Vergara , Alain Destexhe , Maria V Sanchez-Vives J Neurosci 2015 35(6):2689
- Multisensory integration in the mouse striatum Ramon Reig , Gilad Silberberg Neuron 2014 83(5):1200