Equality board at Instituto de Neurociencias
6 de July de 2021
IN Commitment to Equality:
The IN has maintained a policy of non-discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance since its inception that has contributed to creating an inclusive environment. Currently, the IN works towards incorporating gender as a transversal aspect in the IN organization and function (e.g. hiring, promotion, dissemination). This initiative takes shape with the recent creation of an Equality Commission whose main objective is to ensure gender equality in our work environment by promoting outreach and training activities on equality, as well as the organization of activities to increase the visibility of female IN researchers. In addition, the Commission will analyze potential gender imbalances in our work environment.
Coordinator for questions or initiatives related to Equality: Dra. Sandra Jurado
(email: sjurado@umh.es)
More information: Equality Board IN