The IN Drosophila Unit supports genetic research by those laboratories that use the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism at the IN. With our specialized personnel and equipment, we prepare medium for fruit fly culture (fly food) and provide it in cotton-plugged tubes to the different Drosophila laboratories at the IN. In addition, we provide space for storing fly strains in temperature- and humidity-controlled chambers for optimal, pathogen- and parasite-free growth.

Currently, we house over 10,000 wild type, mutant and transgenic strains in two walk-in 18oC climatic chambers, regularly transfer these strains to new vials for their appropriate maintenance and offer space for storing experimental crossings in two large 25oC incubators.

Finally, the IN Drosophila Unit conducts behavioral assays under controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and light in a special room equipped with recording cameras. We offer as a service the use of this room for trained researchers who have their own equipment for the specific behavioral assay they wish to conduct. Alternatively, trained personnel can assist carry out assays with equipment available in the room (fly pads, circadian sensors, FlyGear, etc.).

  • Drosophila maintenance

Resp. scientific: Jose Carlos Pastor Pareja

Technical staff:

Irene Beatriz Oliveira Avalos

Sergio Ucendo Navarro

  • Behavior analysis in invertebrates

Resp. scientific:
Juan A. Sánchez-Alcañiz

Photos: Drosophila Unit Rooms, Institute Neurosciences