Jose Carlos Pastor Pareja
Group leader
Investigador Científico CSIC
965 23 3754
- Cell-to-tissue architecture in the nervous system (URL:
- JNK signaling and integrins cooperate to maintain cell adhesion during epithelial fusion in Drosophila. Karkali K, Pastor-Pareja JC, Martin-Blanco E. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2024 11: 1034484
- p24–Tango1 interactions ensure ER–Golgi interface stability and efficient transport. Yang K, Feng Z, Pastor-Pareja JC*. J Cell Biol. 2024 223: e202309045
- Stay in touch with the endoplasmic reticulum. Sha Sun, Gan Zhao, Mingkang Jia, Qing Jiang, Shulin Li, Haibin Wang, Wenjing Li, Yunyun Wang, Xin Bian, Yan G. Zhao, Xun Huang, Ge Yang, Huaqing Cai, Jose C. Pastor-Pareja, Liang Ge, Chuanmao Zhang & Junjie Hu Science China Life Sciences. 2024 67: 230–257
- Collagen IV of basement membranes: IV. Adaptive mechanism of collagen IV scaffold assembly in Drosophila. Jacob A. Summers, Madison Yarbrough, Min Liu, W. Hayes McDonald, Billy G. Hudson, José C. Pastor-Pareja, Sergei P. Boudko J. Biol. Chem. 2023 299 (12): 105394
- Convergence of secretory, endosomal, and autophagic routes in trans-Golgi-associated lysosomes. Zhou, L., Xue, X., Yang, K., Feng, Z., Liu, M., Pastor-Pareja, J.C. J Cell Biol. 2023 222(1):e202203045
- FGF signaling promotes spreading of fat body precursors necessary for adult adipogenesis in Drosophila. Lei Y , Huang Y, Yang K, Cao X, Song Y, Martín-Blanco E, Pastor-Pareja JC PLoS Biol. 2023 21: e3002050
- Intrinsic and damage-induced JAK/STAT signaling regulate developmental timing by the Drosophila prothoracic gland. Cao X, Rojas M, Pastor-Pareja JC. Dis Mod Mech. 2022 15: dmm049160
- Atypical laminin spots and pull-generated microtubule-actin projections mediate Drosophila wing adhesion Sun T, Song Y, Teng D, Chen Y, Dai J, Ma M, Zhang W, Pastor-Pareja JC Cell Rep. 2021 36:109667
- ER exit sites in Drosophila display abundant ER-Golgi vesicles and pearled tubes but no megacarriers Yang K, Liu M, Feng Z, Rojas M, Zhou L, Ke H, Pastor-Pareja JC Cell Rep. 2021 36:109707
- Katanin p60-like 1 sculpts the cytoskeleton in mechanosensory cilia Sun L, Cui L, Liu Z, Wang Q, Xue Z, Wu M, Sun T, Mao D, Ni J-Q, Pastor-Pareja JC, Liang X. J Cell Biol. 2021 220: e202004184
- Tales of the ER-Golgi Frontier: Drosophila-Centric Considerations on Tango1 Function. Feng Z, Yang K, Pastor-Pareja JC. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 8: 619022 - Review
- Atypical basement membranes and basement membrane diversity – what is normal anyway?. Pastor-Pareja JC. J Cell Sci. 2020 133: jcs241794 - Review
- Premature termination codon readthrough in Drosophila varies in a developmental and tissue-specific manner. Chen Y, sun T, bi Z, Ni J-Q, Pastor-Pareja JC, Javid B. Sci Rep. 2020 10: 8485
- Spectraplakin Shot maintains perinuclear microtubule organization in Drosophila polyploid cells Sun T, Song Y, Dai J, Mao D, Ma M, Ni J-Q, Liang X, Pastor-Pareja JC Dev Cell 2019 49:731-747.e7
- Collagen secretion screening in Drosophila supports a common secretory machinery and multiple Rab requirements. Ke H, Feng Z, Liu M, Sun T, Dai J, Ma M, Liu L-P, Ni J-Q, Pastor-Pareja JC. J Genet Genom. 2018 45: 299-313
- Dissection of Nidogen function in Drosophila reveals tissue-specific mechanisms of basement membrane assembly. Dai J , Estrada B, Jacobs S, Sánchez-Sánchez-B , Tang J, Ma M, Magadán-Corpas P, Pastor-Pareja JC , Martín-Bermudo MD. PLoS Genet. 2018 14: e1007483
- The Drosophila Hox gene Ultrabithorax controls appendage shape by regulating extracellular matrix dynamics. de las Heras J, Garcia-Cortés C, Foronda D, Pastor-Pareja JC, Shashidhara LS, Sánchez-Herrero E. Development. 2018 145: dev161844
- Basement membrane manipulation in Drosophila wing discs affects Dpp retention but not growth mechanoregulation Ma M, Cao, Dai J, Pastor-Pareja JC Dev Cell 2017 42:97-106.e4
- Inter-adipocyte Adhesion and Signaling by Collagen IV Intercellular Concentrations in Drosophila. Dai J, Ma M, Feng Z, Pastor-Pareja JC. Curr Biol. 2017 27: 2729-2740.e4
- Tango1 spatially organizes ER exit sites to control ER export Liu M, Feng Z, Ke H, Liu Y, Sun T, Dai J, Cui W, Pastor-Pareja JC J Cell Biol 2017 216:1035-1059
- Extracellular chloride signals Collagen IV network assembly to form basement membranes outside cells. Cummings CF, Pedchenko V, Brown KL, Colon S, Rafi M, Stothers C, Ero-Tolliver IA, Jones-Paris C, Pokydeshava E, Liu M, Pastor-Pareja JC, McCall AS, Vanacore R, Gautam Bhave G, Santoro S, Blackwell T, Zent R, Pozzi A, Hudson BG. J Cell Biol. 2016 213 (4): 479–494
- Localized JNK signaling regulates organ size during development. Willsey HR, Zheng X, Pastor-Pareja JC, Willsey AJ, Beachy PA, Xu T. eLIFE 2016 5: e11491
- Plasma membrane overgrowth causes fibrotic collagen accumulation and immune activation in Drosophila adipocytes. Zang Y§, Wan M§, Liu M, Ke H, Ma S, Liu LP, Ni JQ, Pastor-Pareja JC. eLIFE 2015 4: e07187
- Toll pathway modulates TNF-induced JNK-dependent cell death in Drosophila. Wu C, Chen C, Dai JL, Zhang F, Chen Y, Li W, Pastor-Pareja JC, Xue L. Open Biol. 2015 5: 140717