Teresa Femenía Cantó
Investigador emergente
Profesor permanente UMH
965 91 9553 - Lab 209
- Neurofarmacología, Inmunobiología Molecular y Comportamiento (URL:
- Bases genéticas y epigenéticas de la individualidad y el envejecimiento
- Investigación traslacional de las enfermedades neurológicas y psiquiátricas
- Regulation of Cortico-Thalamic JNK1/2 and ERK1/2 MAPKs and Apoptosis-Related Signaling Pathways in PDYN Gene-Deficient Mice Following Acute and Chronic Mild Stress. Fernando Yáñez-Gómez, Alfredo Ramos-Miguel, Jesús A. García-Sevilla ,Jorge Manzanares and Teresa Femenía Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023 24(3), 2303
- Biomarkers of the Endocannabinoid System in Substance Use Disorders. Navarrete F, García-Gutiérrez MS, Gasparyan A, Navarro D, López-Picón F, Morcuende Á, Femenía T, Manzanares J Biomolecules 2022 12(3): art 396
- Immunomodulatory Role of CB2 Receptors in Emotional and Cognitive Disorders. Morcuende, A., García-Gutiérrez, M.S., Tambaro, S., Nieto, E., Manzanares, J., Femenia, T. Front Psychiatry. 2022 13: 866052 - Review
- Role of Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor in Alcohol Use Disorders: From Animal to Human Studies. García-Gutiérrez, M.S., Navarrete, F., Gasparyan, A., Navarro, D., Morcuende, Á., Femenía, T., Manzanares, J. Int J Mol Sci . 2022 23 (11): art. 5908 Review https://10.3390/ijms23115908
- Inflammatory Biomarkers in Addictive Disorders Morcuende A, Navarrete F, Nieto E, Manzanares J, Femenía T Biomolecules 2021 11(12):1824
- Disrupted neuro-glial metabolic coupling after peripheral surgery Femenia T , Giménez-Cassina A, Codeluppi S, Fernandez-Zafra T, Terrando N, Eriksson L, Gomez-Galan M. J Neurosci 2018 38(2):452
- Toll-like receptor-4 regulates anxiety-like behavior and DARPP-32 phosphorylation Femenia T* , Qian Y, Arentsen T, Forssberg H, Diaz-Heijtz R Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2018 69: 273
- The bacterial peptidoglycan-sensing molecule Pglyrp2 modulates brain development and behavior. Arentsen T, Qian Y, Gkotzis S, Femenia T, Wang T, Udekwu K, Forssberg H, Diaz Heijtz R. Mol Psychiatry 2017 22(2):257
- Hippocampal-Dependent Antidepressant Action of the H3 Receptor Antagonist Clobenpropit in a Rat Model of Depression Teresa Femenía , Salvatore Magara , Caitlin M DuPont , Maria Lindskog Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2015 18(9):pyv032
- Skeletal muscle PGC-1α1 modulates kynurenine metabolism and mediates resilience to stress-induced depression Agudelo LZ*,Femenía T*, Orhan F, Porsmyr-Palmertz M, Goiny M, Martinez-Redondo V, Correia JC, Izadi M, Bhat M, Schuppe-Koistinen I, Pettersson AT, Ferreira DM, Krook A, Barres R, Zierath JR, Erhardt S, Lindskog M, Ruas JL. Cell 2014 159(1):33
- CB1 Receptor Blockade Decreases Ethanol Intake and Associated Neurochemical Changes in Fawn-Hooded Rats Femenia T, Garcia-Gutierrez MS, Manzanares J Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2010 34(1):131