Chair “Prof. Remedios Caro Almela” was established in 2000 as a tribute of D. Fernando Martínez Ramos to his wife, Dª. Remedios Caro Almela, a dedicated teacher and science lover. Fernando Martínez Ramos and his family launched the Chair in collaboration with the University Miguel Hernández (UMH) and the Institute of Neuroscience (IN) to support and promote the research in Neurosciences. During the last two decades the Chair has distinguished two outstanding European researchers with strong ties to Alicante and the IN. The Chair has contributed enormously to the visibility and promotion of the IN as a reference center in Neurosciences at the national and international levels through the sponsorship of various actions, such as the “Remedios Caro Almela” Prize for Research in Developmental Neurobiology, activities for dissemination of science and travel grants for students to attend international scientific meetings.

Professor Constantino Sotelo (2000-2012)
Professor at the CNRS in France and Director of Unit 106 INSERM, Hospital de la Salpetriere, Paris.
Professor Sotelo has contributed extensively to our knowledge about the anatomy and function of the cerebellum and conducted pioneering studies on neuronal plasticity and axonal regeneration. He is emeritus Professor at the Institute de la Vision in Paris.

Professor Richard Morris (2013-Today)
Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh and Member of the Royal Society.
Professor Morris has made countless contributions to the neurobiology of learning and memory, applying concepts and work techniques that enable the development of new therapies for Alzheimer’s disease, among others.