Prof. Eloísa Herrera
Prof. Ángel L. Barco
Dr. José P. López-Atalaya

Dr. Rafael Alcala Vida
Dra. Beatriz del Blanco Pablos
Dr. Augusto Escalante Rodríguez
Dra. Marta Fernández Nogales
Dra. Macarena L. Herrera
Dr. Ángel Márquez Galera
Dr. Federico Miozzo
Dra. Mª Cruz Morenilla Palao
Dra. Verónica Murcia-Belmonte
Dr. Juan Paraiso Luna
Dr. Carlos Sánchez-Huertas

Marta Alaiz Noya (until October 2023)
Aysha Maria Bhojwani Cabrera
Isabel Bustos Martínez
Mirjam Cangonja
Miguel Fuentes Ramos
Rocio González Martínez (until December 2020)
Marina Guillot Fernández
Iván Guzmán Robledo (until October 2020)
María Teresa López-Cascales (until June 2022)
Verónica López López
Ana Mª Martín González (until August 2020)
Juan Medrano Relinque (until July 2020)
Carmen Mª Navarrón Izquierdo (until October 2021)
Sergio Niñerola Rives
Patricia Ordoño Carramiñana
Isabel Pérez Ferrer
Patricia Torres Raves
Juan Zaragoza Lillo

Yaiza L. Coca Ulloa
M. Alejandro Expósito Coca
Macarena Herrera
Román Olivares Escalona
Carina V. Racovac Farinha
Beatriz Yunta Arce

NEUROCROM – Phase III (2020-2023)


The research teams at the Institute of Neuroscience led by Drs. Eloisa Herrera, Ángel Barco, and José López-Atalaya, continue their collaborative efforts to address, in a coordinated manner, the investigation of TRANSCRIPTIONAL AND EPIGENETIC DYSREGULATION IN NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS.

The assembly of neuronal circuits is heavily dependent on the actions of transcription factors and epigenetic regulators. In fact, a significant number of genetic disorders affecting nervous system development stem from mutations in genes encoding these types of proteins. The sequence of events during development that require gene expression regulation includes cell migration, dendritic and axonal specification, neurite growth, axonal guidance, synapse formation with target cells, and circuit remodeling through experience and learning. These processes largely depend on precise interactions over time and space between different types of neurons and between neurons and glial cells. Dysregulation of the processes governing the assembly of neuronal circuits during development dramatically impacts circuit connectivity and can lead to embryo resorption, premature death, or varying degrees of neuropsychiatric disorders depending on the extent of dysregulation.

The NEUROCROM group is a leader in researching the molecular etiology of such disorders. We have recently pioneered the analysis of the nuclear transcriptome of individual neurons (single nucleus RNA-seq) and changes in chromatin accessibility and occupancy by transcription factors (ATAC-seq) in both neurons and microglia. Within the framework of this project, we propose to continue our investigation into the dysregulation of gene programs underlying various genetically relevant clinical disorders arising from deficiencies in transcription factors and enzymes that modify chromatin. We anticipate that the results obtained in this project will contribute to: (i) elucidating the role of transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms in the development of the mammalian nervous system; (ii) providing new insights into the molecular etiology of developmental nervous system diseases caused by mutations in transcription factors and epigenetic regulators; and (iii) identifying and evaluating new targets and therapeutic strategies for these disorders. To achieve this, we plan to continue innovating in the application of genomic analysis techniques to address the issue of cellular differentiation and plasticity during the formation of neuronal circuits.

Photo: Prof. Angel L. Barco, Prof. Eloísa Herrera & Dr. José P. López-Atalaya


Dr. Angel Barco
(lab web A.Barco)
Dra. Eloisa Herrera
(lab web E.Herrera)

Dra. Beatriz del Blanco Pablos
Dr. Augusto Escalante Rodríguez
Dra. Marta Fernández Nogales
Dra. Mª Cruz Morenilla Palao
Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Viana
Dra. Verónica Murcia-Belmonte
Dra. Romana Tomasoni (hasta Junio 2016)

Marta Alaiz Noya
Jordi Fernández Albert (hasta Mayo 2019)
Miguel Fuentes Ramos
Aida Giner de Gracia
Rocio González Martínez
Iván Guzmán Robledo
Michal Lipinski (hasta Mayo 2019)
María Teresa López-Cascales
Ana Mª Martín González
Alejandro Medrano Fernández (hasta Julio 2018)
Juan Medrano Relinque
Santiago Negueruela Lázaro
Sergio Niñerola Rives
Emanuele Zaccaria (hasta Junio 2019)

Diana Baeza Soler
Yaiza L. Coca
Macarena Herrera
Marián Llinares Granados
Román Olivares Escalona
Beatriz Yunta Arce

NEUROCROM - Fase II (2016-2019)

Los equipos de investigación del Instituto de Neurociencias pertenecientes al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas dirigidos por los Drs. Angel Barco y Eloisa Herrera continúan su colaboración para abordar de forma coordinada la investigación de la DESREGULACIÓN TRANSCRIPCIONAL Y EPIGENÉTICA EN TRASTONOS DEL DESARROLLO DEL SISTEMA NERVIOSO.

El ensamblaje de los circuitos neuronales es el resultado de una secuencia precisa de eventos durante el desarrollo que están en gran medida orquestados por factores epigenéticos y transcripcionales. Estos incluyen los procesos de migración celular, especificación dendrítica y axonal, crecimiento de neuritas, guia axonal, ensamblaje con las células diana, y remodelado de los circuitos por la experiencia. Los defectos en esa secuencia de eventos tienen un impacto dramático en la funcionalidad del circuito, dando lugar en función de la gravedad de los mismos a la reabsorción del embrión, a la muerte prematura del neonato o a trastornos neuropsiquiátricos que se manifiestan en el individuo adulto. Estudios recientes indican que un gran porcentaje de las mutaciones que dan lugar a trastornos genéticos que afectan al desarrollo del sistema nervioso están originados por mutaciones en genes que codifican factores de transcripción y enzimas que regulan la modificación de la cromatina. Los investigadores que lideran esta propuesta han sido pioneros en la investigación de los mecanismos transcripcionales y epigenéticos que subyacen a la formación de circuitos neuronales durante el desarrollo del sistema nervioso y del papel de las modificaciones posttraduccionales de histonas en cognición y discapacidad intelectual. En el marco de este proyecto, proponemos investigar como la desregulación de programas génicos controlados por factores de transcripción y epigenéticos de particular relevancia clínica, tales como el factor de transcripción ZIC2, cuya mutación causa exencefalia y holoprosencefalia de tipo 5; el represor MECP2, asociado al síndrome de Rett; las acetiltransferasas de lisinas CBP y P300 asociadas al síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi; y otros factores epigenéticos y transcripcionales implicados en alteraciones en circuitos neuronales y discapacidad intelectual. Los resultados obtenidos en este proyecto contribuirán a: (i) esclarecer el papel de determinados procesos transcripcionales y epigenéticos en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso de mamíferos; (ii) proporcionar nuevos datos acerca de la etiología molecular de estas enfermedades; y (iii) identificar nuevas dianas y estrategias terapeúticas para estos trastornos.


Dr. Angel Barco
(lab web A.Barco)
Dra. Eloisa Herrera
(lab web E.Herrera)

Dra. Beatriz del Blanco Pablos
Dra. Marta Fernández Nogales
Dra. Violeta Gómez Vicente
Dr. Jose P López-Atalaya
Dra. Mª Cruz Morenilla Palao
Dra. Verónica Murcia-Belmonte
Dra. Romana Tomasoni
Dr. Luis M. Valor Becerra

Geraud Chauvin
Jordi Fernández Albert
Anna Fiorenza
Aida Giner de Gracia
Rocio González Martínez
Deisy Guiretti
Michal Lipinski
Alejandro Medrano Fernández
Blanca Murillo Rodríguez
Gerald Muça
Santiago Negueruela Lázaro
Nuria Ruiz Reig
Marilyn Scandaglia

Yaiza L. Coca
Macarena Herrera
Román Olivares
Celia Vegar


Jornada científica internacional: The Visual System as a Model to Understand Neurodevelopmental Pathologies -6 y 7 de Octubre, 2014

Jornada científica internacional: Transcriptional and Epigenetic Mechanisms Underlying Neurodevelopmental Disorders 26 y 27 Noviembre , 2015

NEUROCROM - Fase I (2012-2015)


La financiación de la Generalitat Valencia permitió la creación en el año 2012 del Grupo NEUROCROM, que coordina los esfuerzos de dos equipos de investigación ubicados en el Instituto de Neurociencias (UMH-CSIC) de Alicante (los grupos dirigidos por los Drs. Angel Barco y Eloisa Herrera) para investigar los MECANISMOS TRANSCRIPCIONALES Y EPIGENETICOS QUE SUBYACEN A DESORDENES DEL DESARROLLO Y MADURACION DEL SISTEMA NERVIOSO.

La supervivencia y autonomía de los animales depende de la capacidad de sus cerebros para recibir, procesar, almacenar y recuperar información sensorial. Para que esto sea posible es esencial que las múltiples cascadas de transducción de señales en neuronas estén perfectamente coordinadas, tanto en estadios tempranos del desarrollo del CNS como en etapas posteriores de remodelación de circuitos neuronales dependientes de la experiencia, y en el cerebro adulto. Aguas abajo de estas cascadas, la activación de programas génicos por factores de transcripción (FT) y cambios epigenéticos en la cromatina, tales como la metilación y acetilación de histonas o la metilación del ADN, juegan un papel esencial definiendo la identidad celular, y orquestando la formación, maduración y plasticidad de los circuitos neuronales. El equipo de investigación NEUROCROM, constituido por un grupo líder en el estudio de mecanismos transcripcionales en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso (grupo dirigido por la Dra. Eloisa Herrera) y otro líder en la investigación de la regulación transcripcional y epigenética en síndromes de dicapacidad intelectual (grupo dirigido por el Dr. Angel Barco), planteaba como objetivos del grupo el estudio de los ratones modelo para el síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (SRT) y otros trastornos del desarrollo del sistema nervioso derivados de defectos en transcripción (dependiente de FT específicos tales como ZIC2 y SRF) y epigenéticos (derivados de defectos en la acetilación de histonas). La fase I del proyecto, desarrollada entre 2012 y 2015, ha sido muy exitosa y ha permitido alcanzar los 5 objetivos científicos planteados. En concreto, hemos: 1) Proporcionado nuevos datos acerca de la etiología molecular del SRT; 2) Esclarecido el papel de determinados procesos epigenéticos, como la acetilación de histonas dependiente de CBP, en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso de mamíferos; 3) Definido el papel de esos procesos en la remodelación de los circuitos neuronales por la experiencia postnatal; 4) Ensayado nuevas estrategias terapéuticas para el síndrome; y 5) Determinado el mapa global de unión al ADN del FT Zic2.

El grupo NEUROCROM actualmente continúa su investigación en el marco del proyecto NEUROCROM II.

Publications PHASE III


  • Garcia-Carpio I, Braun VZ, Weiler ES, Leone M, Niñerola S, Barco A, Fava LL, Villunger A (2023). Extra centrosomes induce PIDD1-mediated inflammation and immunosurveillance. EMBO J. 42(20):e113510.
  • Slavi, N., Balasubramanian, R., Lee, M.A., Liapin, M., Oaks-Leaf, R., Peregrin, J., Potenski, A., Troy, C.M., Ross, M.E., Herrera, E., Kosmidis, S., John, S.W.M., Mason, C.A. CyclinD2-mediated regulation of neurogenic output from the retinal ciliary margin is perturbed in albinism. Neuron 2023 111(1): 49-64.e5
  • Klein, R., Wilkinson, D., Herrera, E. Editorial – Friedrich Bonhoeffer (1932-2021). Neuroscience 2023 508: 1-2
  • Elsa Ghirardini , Giulia Sagona, Angel Marquez-Galera , Francesco Calugi, Carmen M Navarron , Francesco Cacciante , Siwei Chen , Federica Di Vetta , Lorenzo Dadà , Raffaele Mazziotti , Leonardo Lupori , Elena Putignano , Pierre Baldi , Jose P Lopez-Atalaya , Tommaso Pizzorusso, Laura Baroncelli. Cell-specific vulnerability to metabolic failure: the crucial role of parvalbumin expressing neurons in creatine transporter deficiency. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2023 11(1): 34
  • del Blanco B, Niñerola S, Martín-González AM, Paraíso-Luna J, Kim M, Muñoz-Viana R, Racovac C, Sánchez-Mut JV, Ruan Y, Barco A. Kdm1a safeguards the topological boundaries of PRC2-repressed genes and prevents aging-related euchromatinization in neurons. Nat Comm. 2nd review.


  • Fernández-Nogales M, López-Cascales MT, Murcia-Belmonte V, Escalante A, Fernández-Albert J, Muñoz-Viana R, Barco A*, Herrera E* (2022). Multiomic analysis of neurons with divergent projection patterns identifies novel regulators of axon pathfinding. Adv Sci. 9(29):e2200615.
  • Lipinski M, Niñerola S, Fuentes-Ramos M, Valor LM, del Blanco B, López-Atalaya JP, Barco A (2022). CBP is required for establishing adaptive gene programs in the adult mouse brain. J Neurosci. 42(42):7984-8001.
  • González-Martínez R, Márquez-Galera A, del Blanco B, López-Atalaya JP, Barco A, Herrera E (2022). CBP and p300 jointly maintain neural progenitor viability but play unique roles in the differentiation of neural lineages. Cells. Dec 18;11(24):4118.
  • Herrera E, Escalante A. Transcriptional Control of Axon Guidance at Midline Structures.  Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 10: art. 840005
  • Marquez-Galera A, de la Prida LM, Lopez-Atalaya JP. A protocol to extract cell-type-specific signatures from differentially expressed genes in bulk-tissue RNA-seq STAR Protoc 2022 3(1):101121
  • Chinnappa K, Cárdenas A, Prieto-Colomina A, Villalba A, Márquez-Galera Á, Soler R, Nomura Y, Llorens E, Tomasello U, López-Atalaya JP, Borrell V Secondary loss of miR-3607 reduced cortical progenitor amplification during rodent evolution. Sci Adv 2022 8(2):eabj4010.
  • Linares R, Gutiérrez A, Márquez-Galera Á, Caparrós E, Aparicio JR, Madero L, Payá A, López-Atalaya JP, Francés R Transcriptional regulation of chemokine network by biologic monotherapy in ileum of patients with Crohn’s disease. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 147: art 112653.


  • Alvarez-Vergara M; Rosales-Nieves A; March-Diaz R; Rodriguez-Perinan G; Lara-Ureña N; Ortega-de San Luis C; Sanchez-Garcia M; Martin-Bornez M; Gómez-Gálvez P: Vicente-Munuera P; Fernandez-Gomez B; Marchena M; Bullones-Bolanos A; Davila JC; Gonzalez-Martinez R; Trillo-Contreras JL; Sanchez-Hidalgo AC; del Toro R; Scholl FG; Herrera E; Trepel M; Körbelin J; Escudero LM; Villadiego J; Echevarria M; de Castro F; Gutierrez A; Rabano A; Vitorica J; Pascual A. (2021) Non-productive angiogenesis disassembles Aß plaque-associated blood vessels. Nature Communications 12, 3098.
  • Cid E, Marquez-Galera A, Valero M, Gal B, Medeiros DC, Navarron CM, Ballesteros-Esteban L, Reig-Viader R, Morales AV, Fernandez-Lamo I, Gomez-Dominguez D, Sato M, Hayashi Y, Bayes A, Barco A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, de la Prida LM (2021). Sublayer- and cell-type-specific neurodegenerative transcriptional trajectories in hippocampal sclerosis. Cell Rep 35(10):109229.
  • Conde-Dusman MJ, Dey PN, Elía-Zudaire O, Rabaneda LG, García-Lira C, Grand T, Briz V, Velasco ER, Andero R, Niñerola S, Barco A, Paoletti P, Wesseling JF, Gardoni F, Tavalin SJ, Perez-Otaño I. Control of protein synthesis and memory by GluN3A-NMDA receptors through inhibition of GIT1/mTORC1 assembly. eLife (2021), 10:e71575.
  • Fuentes-Ramos M, Alaiz-Noya M, Barco A (2021). Transcriptome and epigenome analysis of engram cells: Next-generation sequencing technologies in memory research. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 127:865-875.
    doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.06.010
  • Herrero-Navarro Á, Puche-Aroca L, Moreno-Juan V, Sempere-Ferràndez A, Espinosa A, Susín R, Torres-Masjoan L, Leyva-Díaz E, Karow M, Figueres-Oñate M, López-Mascaraque L, López-Atalaya JP, Berninger B, López-Bendito G. Astrocytes and neurons share region-specific transcriptional signatures that confer regional identity to neuronal reprogramming. Sci Adv. 2021 7(15):eabe8978.
    doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abe8978.
  • Rueda-Carrasco J, Martin-Bermejo MJ, Pereyra G, Mateo MI, Borroto A, Brosseron F, Kummer MP, Schwartz S, López-Atalaya JP, Alarcon B, Esteve P, Heneka MT, Bovolenta P. SFRP1 modulates astrocyte-to-microglia crosstalk in acute and chronic neuroinflammation. EMBO Rep 2021 22(11):e51696.
  • Vigouroux RJ, Duroure K, Vougny J, Albadri S, Kozulin P, Herrera E, Nguyen-Ba-Charvet K, Braasch I, Suárez R, Del Bene F, Chédotal A. (2021) Bilateral visual projections exist in non-teleost bony fish and predate the emergence of tetrapods. Science. 2021 Apr 9;372(6538):150-156. PMID: 33833117
    doi: 10.1126/science.abe7790.



  • Calzari L*, Barcella M*, Alari V, Braga D, Muñoz-Viana R, Barlassina C, Finelli P, Gervasini C, Barco A, Russo S, Larizza L (2020). Transcriptome analysis of iPSC-derived neurons from Rubinstein-Taybi patients reveals deficits in neuronal differentiation. Mol Neurobiol 57(9):3685-3701
    doi: 10.1007/s12035-020-01983-6
  • Escalante A, González-Martínez R, Herrera E.(2020) New techniques for studying neurodevelopment. Faculty Reviews 9(17)
    doi: 10.12703/r/9-17
  • Fernández V, Martínez-Martínez MÁ, Prieto-Colomina A, Cárdenas A, Soler R, Dori M, Tomasello U, Nomura Y, López-Atalaya JP, Calegari F, Borrell V. Repression of Irs2 by let-7 miRNAs is essential for homeostasis of the telencephalic neuroepithelium. EMBO J. 2020 39(21):e105479.
    doi: 10.15252/embj.2020105479
  • Lipinski M, Muñoz-Viana R, del Blanco B, Marquez-Galera A, Medrano-Relinque J, Carames JM, Szczepankiewicz A, Fernandez-Albert J, Navarrón CM, Olivares R, Wilczynski GM, Canals S, Lopez-Atalaya JP and Barco A (2020). KAT3-dependent acetylation maintains neuronal identity in the adult mouse brain. Nat Comm. 11(1):2588.
    Doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16246-0
  • Morenilla-Palao C , López-Cascales MT, López-Atalaya JP, Baeza D, Calvo L, Barco A, Herrera E (2020) A Zic2-regulated switch in a non-canonical Wnt/ß-catenin pathway is essential for the formation of bilateral circuits. Science Advances 6(46): eaaz8797.
    doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz8797

Publications PHASE II


  • Fernandez-Albert J, Lipinski M, Lopez-Cascales MT, Rowley MJ, Martin-Gonzalez AM, del Blanco B, Corces VG, Barco A (2019). Immediate and deferred epigenomic signatures of in vivo neuronal activation in mouse hippocampus. Nat Neurosci. In press
  • Hutson TH, Kathe C, Palmisano I, Bartholdi K, Hervera A, De Virgiliis F, McLachlan E, Zhou L, Kong G, Barraud Q, Danzi MC, Medrano-Fernandez A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Boutillier AL, Sinha SH, Singh AK, Chaturbedy P, Moon LDF, Kundu TK, Bixby JL, Lemmon VP, Barco A, Courtine G and Di Giovanni S. (2019 Environmental enrichment induces axon regeneration and recovery after peripheral and spinal injuries via activity mediated CBP-dependent histone acetylation: a druggable pathway. Sci Traslat Med 11(487).
  • Lipinski M, del Blanco B and Barco A (2019). CBP/p300 in brain development and plasticity: Disentangling the KAT’s cradle. Curr Opin Neurobiol 59:1-8.
  • Del Blanco B, Guiretti D, Tomasoni R, Lopez-Cascales MT, Muñoz-Viana R, Lipinski M, Scandaglia M, Coca Y, Olivares R, Valor LM, Herrera E, Barco A (2019). CBP and SRF co-regulate dendritic growth and synaptic maturation. Cell Death & Diff. Mar 8. doi: 10.1038/s41418-019-0285-x.
  • Scandaglia M and Barco A (2019). The Contribution of Spurious Transcription to Intellectual Disability Disorders. J Med Gen. Feb 11. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2018-105668.
  • Medrano-Fernández A, Delgado-Garcia JM, Del Blanco B, Llinares M, Sánchez-Campusano R, Olivares R, Gruart A, Barco A (2019). The Epigenetic Factor CBP Is Required for the Differentiation and Function of Medial Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Interneurons. Mol Neurobiol 56(6):4440-4454.
  • Murcia-Belmonte V, Coca Y, Vegar C, Negueruela S, de Juan Romero C, Valiño A, Sala S, DaSilva R, Kania A, Borrell V, Martinez LM, Erskine L, Herrera E (2019) A Retino-retinal Projection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves. Current Biology 29(7):1149-1160.


  • Fernández-Nogales M*, Murcia-Belmonte V*, Yu Chen H, Herrera E. (2018) The peripheral eye: A neurogenic area with potential to treat retinal pathologies?Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. In Press.
  • del Blanco B and Barco A (2018). Impact of environmental conditions and chemicals on the neuronal epigenome. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 45:157-165.
  • Herrera E, Agudo-Barriuso M, Murcia-Belmonte V (2018) Cranial Pair II: The Optic Nerves. Anatomical Records (Hoboken). 2018 Oct 10. doi: 10.1002/ar.23922.
  • Kridsada K, Niu J, Haldipur P, Wang Z, Ding L, Li JJ, Lindgren AG, Herrera E, Thomas GM, Chizhikov VV, Millen KJ, Luo W (2018) Roof Plate-Derived Radial Glial-like Cells Support Developmental Growth of Rapidly Adapting Mechanoreceptor Ascending Axons. Cell Reports 23(10):2928-2941.
  • Hervás-Corpión I, Guiretti D, Alcaraz-Iborra M, Olivares R, Campos-Caro A, Barco A, Valor LM (2018). Early alteration of epigenetic-related transcription in Huntington’s disease mouse models. Sci Reports 8(1):9925.
  • Herrera E (2018) Rodent Zic Genes in Neural Network Wiring. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1046:209-230.
  • Herrera E*, Sitko AA, Bovolenta P* (2018) Shh-ushing Midline Crossing through Remote Protein Transport. Neuron 97(2):256-258.
  • Barco A and Knafo S (2018). Editorial Special Issue “Molecules & Cognition”. Neuroscience 370: 1-3.


  • Iwase S, Berube NG, Zhou Z Nadif Kasri N, Battaglioli E, Scandaglia M, Barco A (2017). Epigenetic etiology of intellectual disability. J Neurosci 37(45):10773-10782.
  • Scandaglia M, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Medrano-Fernandez A, Lopez-Cascales MT, del Blanco B, Lipinski M, Benito E, Olivares R, Iwase S, Shi Y, Barco A (2017). Loss of Kdm5c causes spurious transcription and prevents the fine-tuning of activity-regulated enhancers in neurons. Cell Reports 21(1):47-59.
  • Pardo L, Valor LM, Eraso-Pichot A, Barco A, Golbano A, Hardingham GE, Masgrau R, Galea E (2017). CREB Regulates Distinct Adaptive Transcriptional Programs in Astrocytes and Neurons. Sci Reports 7:6390.
  • Tomasoni R, Morini R, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Corradini I, Canzi A, Rasile M, Mantovani C, Pozzi D, Garlanda C, Mantovani A, Menna E, Barco A, Matteoli M (2017). Lack of IL-1R8 in neurons causes hyperactivation of IL-1 receptor pathway and induces MECP2-dependent synaptic defects. eLife 6:e21735.
  • Galvão-Ferreira P, Lipinski M, Santos F, Barco A, Costa RM (2017). Skill learning modulates RNA Pol II poising at immediate early genes in the adult striatum. eNeuro 2017;4(2).
  • Herrera E, Erskine L, Morenilla-Palao C. (2017) Guidance of retinal axons in mammals. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. Nov 26. pii: S1084-9521(17)30299-9. 
  • Tiveron MC, Beclin C, Murgan S, Wild S, Angelova A, Marc J, Coré N, de Chevigny A, Herrera E, Bosio A, Bertrand V and Cremer H. (2017) Zic-Proteins Are Repressors of Dopaminergic Forebrain Fate in Mice and C. elegans. Journal of Neuroscience. 37 (44) 10611-10623.
  • Murcia-Belmonte V, Expósito G, and Herrera E (2017) Time-lapse imaging and cell tracking of migrating cells in slices and flattened telencephalic vesicles. Current Protocols in Neuroscience. 79:3.31.1-3.31.12.


  • Medrano-Fernandez A and Barco A (2016). Nuclear Organization and 3D Chromatin Architecture in Cognition and Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Molecular Brain 9(1):83.
  • Marcucci F, Murcia-Belmonte V, Wang Q, Coca Y, Ferreiro-Galve S, Kuwajima T, Khalid S, Ross M.E., Mason C, and Herrera E (2016) The Ciliary Margin Zone of the Mammalian Retina Generates Retinal Ganglion Cells. Cell Reports 1 (12) 3152-3164. Cover caption.
  •  Fiorenza A and Barco A (2016). Role of Dicer and the miRNA system in neuronal plasticity and brain function. Neurobiol Learn Mem 135: 3-12.
  • Guiretti D, Sempere A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Ferrer-Montiel A, Barco A, Valor LM (2016). Specific promoter deacetylation of histone H3 is conserved across mouse models of Huntington’s disease in the absence of bulk changes. Neurobiol Dis 89:190-201.
  • Pardo L, Schlüter A, Valor LM, Barco A, Giralt M, Golbano A, Hidalgo J, Jia P, Zhao Z, Jové M, Portero-Otin M, Ruiz M, Giménez-Llort L, Masgrau R, Pujol A, Galea E (2016). Targeted activation of CREB in reactive astrocytes is neuroprotective in focal acute cortical injury. Glia 64(5): 853-74.
  • Ruiz-Reig N, Andrés B, Huilgol D, Grove E, Tissir F, Tole S, Theil T, Herrera E* and Fairén A* (2016) Lateral Thalamic Eminence: A Novel Origin for mGluR1/Lot Cells. Cerebral Cortex 26 (6).
  • Fiorenza A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Rovira V, Scandaglia M, Geijo-Barrientos E, Barco A (2016). Blocking miRNA Biogenesis in Adult Forebrain Neurons Enhances Seizure Susceptibility, Fear Memory, and Food Intake by Increasing Neuronal Responsiveness. Cereb Cortex 26(4): 1619-33.

Publications Phase I


  • Ateca-Cabarga JC, Cosa A, Pallares V, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Barco A, Canals S, Moratal D (2015). Brain size regulations by cbp haploinsufficiency evaluated by in vivo MRI based volumetry. Sci Reports
  • Scandaglia M, Benito E, Morenilla-Palao C, Fiorenza F, del Blanco B, Coca Y, Herrera E, Barco A. Fine-tuned SRF activity controls asymmetrical neuronal outgrowth: implications for cortical migration, neural tissue lamination and circuit assembly. Sci Reports,
  • Murillo M, Ruiz-Reig N, Herrera M, Fairén A and Herrera E (2015) Zic2 Controls the Migration of Specific Neuronal Populations in the Developing Forebrain. The journal of Neuroscience 35(32):11266-11280.
  • Barco A, Brambilla R, Rosenblum K (2015). Editorial. Neurobiol Learn Mem 124:1-2. Special Issue Guest Editor.
  • Fiorenza A, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Rovira V, Geijo-Barrientos E, Barco A. Blocking miRNA biogenesis in adult forebrain neurons enhances seizure susceptibility, fear memory and food intake by increasing neuronal responsiveness. Cereb Cortex 2015 Jan 16. pii: bhu332. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Del Blanco B, Medrano A, Barco A (2015). Neuroepigenética, en la interfase entre genoma y cerebro. SEBBM Mar 2015 183: 21-26.
  • Lopez-Atalaya JP, Valor LM, Barco A (2014). Epigenetic factors in intellectual disability: the rubinstein-taybi syndrome as a paradigm of neurodevelopmental disorder with epigenetic origin. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci (2014) 128:139-76.
  • Benito E and Barco A (2015). The Neuronal Activity-Driven Transcriptome. Mol Neurobiol. 289(47):32914-25.


  • Erskine and Herrera (2014). Connecting the eye to the brain. ASN Neuro. 
  • Lopez-Atalaya J, Valor LM and Barco A (2014). Epigenetic factors in intellectual disability: The Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome as a paradigm of neurodevelopmental disorder with epigenetic origin. Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity – Evidence and Debate, PMBTS Volume 128 (Elsevier, 2014) 
  • Ma TC, Barco A, Ratan RR and Willis DE. (2014). cAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein (CREB) and cAMP Co-regulate Activator Protein 1 (AP1)-Dependent Regeneration-Associated Gene Expression and Neurite Growth. J Biol Chem
  • Lopez-Atalaya J, and Barco A (2014). Can changes in histone acetylation contribute to memory formation? Trends Genet
  • Balsera B, Mulet J, Fernández-Carvajal A, Torre-Martínez Rde L, Ferrer-Montiel A, Hernández-Jiménez JG, Estévez-Herrera J, Borges R, Freitas AE, López MG, García-López MT, González-Muñiz R, Pérez de Vega MJ, Valor LM, Svobodová L, Sala S, Sala F, Criado M (2014). Chalcones as positive allosteric modulators of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: A new target for a privileged structure. Eur J Med Chem. Oct 30;86:724-39.
  • Alcaraz-Iborra M, Carvajal F, Lerma-Cabrera JM, Valor LM, Cubero I (2014). Binge-like consumption of caloric and non-caloric palatable substances in ad libitum-fed C57BL/6J mice: pharmacological and molecular evidence of orexin involvement. Behav Brain Res. Oct 1;272:93-9.
  • Ito S, Magalska A, Alcaraz-Iborra M, Lopez-Atalaya JP, Rovira V, Contreras-Moreira B, Lipinski M, Olivares R, Martinez-Hernandez J, Ruszczycki B, Lujan R, Geijo-Barrientos E, Wilczynski GM and Barco A (2014). Loss of neuronal 3D chromatin organization causes transcriptional and behavioural deficits related to serotonergic dysfunction. Nat Commun. 2014 Jul 18;5:4450.
  • Valor LM (2014). Transcription, Epigenetics and Ameliorative Strategies in Huntington’s Disease: a Genome-Wide Perspective. Mol Neurobiol. 2014 
  • Yildirim F, Ji S, Kronenberg G, Barco A, Olivares R, Benito E, Dirnagl U, Gertz K, Endres M, Harms C and Meisel A (2014). Histone acetylation and CREB binding protein are required for neuronal resistance against ischemic injury. Plos ONE 9(4).
  • Valor LM and Guiretti D (2014). What’s wrong with epigenetics in Huntington’s disease? Neuropharmacology 80: 103-14.
  • Barco A (2014). Neuroepigenetic disorders: Progress, promises and challenges. Neuropharmacology 80: 1-2.


  • Escalante E, Murillo B, Morenilla-Palao C, Klar A and Herrera E* (2013). Zic2-dependent axon midline avoidance controls the formation of major ipsilateral tracts in the CNS. Neuron. 80(6), 1392–1406.
  • Benjumeda I, Escalante A, Law C, Morales D, Chauvin G, Muca G, Coca Y, López-Bendito G, Kania A, Martínez-Otero L and Herrera E* (2013). Uncoupling of EphA/ephrinA signaling and spontaneous activity in neural circuit wiring. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(46):18208-18218. Cover caption.
  • Herrera E* and Erskine L (2013). Visual system Development in vertebrates. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (eLS) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 
  • Sanchez-Arrones L, Nieto-López F, Sánchez-Camacho C, Carreres MI, Herrera E, Okada A, Bovolenta P*. (2013). Shh/Boc signaling is required for sustained generation of ipsilateral-projecting ganglion cells in the mouse retina. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(20):8596-607.
  • Parkel S, Lopez-Atalaya JP and Barco A (2013). Histone H3 methylation in cognition and intellectual disability disorders. Learn Mem 20:570-79.
  • Lopez-Atalaya JP, Ito S, Valor LM, Benito E and Barco A (2013). Genomic targets, and histone acetylation and gene expression profiling of neural HDAC inhibition. Nucleic Acids Res 41(17):8072-84.
  • Valor LM*, Guiretti D*, Lopez-Atalaya JP* and Barco A (2013). Genomic landscape of transcriptional and epigenetic dysregulation in early-onset polyglutamine disease. J Neurosci 33(25):10471-82.*: Equal contributors.
  • Valor LM, Viosca J, Lopez-Atalaya JP and Barco A (2013). Lysine acetyltransferases CBP and p300 as therapeutic targets in cognitive and neurodegenerative disorders. Curr Pharm Des 19(28):5051-64.


  • Agnes Gruart, Eva Benito, Jose M. Delgado-Garcia and Angel Barco (2012). Enhanced cAMP Response Element-Binding Protein Activity Increases Neuronal Excitability, Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation, and Classical Eyeblink Conditioning in Alert Behaving Mice. J Neurosci 32(48): 17431-41.pubmed
  • Criado M, Valor LM, Mulet J, Gerber S, Sala S and Sala F (2012).Expression and functional properties of a7 acetylcholine nicotinic receptors are modifies in the presence of other receptor subunits. J. Neurochem. 123(4):504-14.
  • Lopez-Atalaya JP*, Gervasini C*, Mottadelli F, Spina S, Piccione M, Scarano G, Selicorni A, Barco Aº, Larizza Lº (2012) Histone acetylation deficits in lymphoblastoid cell lines from Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome patients. J Med Genet 66-74.*,º: Equal contributors.
  • Valor LM and Barco A (2012) Hippocampal gene profiling: Toward a systems biology of the hippocampus. Hippocampus 22(5):929-4.