IN Commitment to Equality
The IN has maintained a policy of non-discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance since its inception that has contributed to creating an inclusive environment. Currently, the IN works towards incorporating gender as a transversal aspect in the IN organization and function (e.g. hiring, promotion, dissemination). This initiative takes shape with the recent creation of an Equality Commission whose main objective is to ensure gender equality in our work environment by promoting outreach and training activities on equality, as well as the organization of activities to increase the visibility of female IN researchers. In addition, the Commission will analyze potential gender imbalances in our work environment.
Distinction of Equality awarded by the CSIC to the IN
The Institute of Neurosciences has just been recognized by the CSIC as one of the research centers worthy of the IV Distinction of Equality, along with the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center and the Institute of Chemical Technology. This distinction recognizes the Institute’s commitment to including the gender perspective as a cross-cutting category in all aspects of its operations and in promoting measures to eliminate the barriers encountered by women in the exercise of their profession.
An example of the inclusive environment of the Institute is the majority presence of women in the management of Research Units, and a staff of research professors, the highest professional category of the CSIC, made up of 60% women, a percentage much higher than the national average , which ranges between 20 and 30%.

Source: Institute of Neurosciences , February 2024
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Equality Commission
The Equality Commission is made up of the following members: Dra. Sandra Jurado (CT-CSIC), Dra. Silvia de Santis (Inv. CIDEGENT-CSIC), Dr. Ramón Reig (CT-CSIC), Dr. Emilio Geijo (UMH Professor), Dra. Verónica Murcia (CSIC postdoc) and the manager Ms. María Teresa García Hedo.
The members of the Equality Commission combine varied profiles necessary to carry out its mission effectively. The Commission has carried out actions aimed at raising awareness about the role of women in science, with a particular focus on promoting scientific vocations in the new generations.
You can contact for questions or initiatives related to Equality:
- Ley Orgánica 3-2007, de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres
- Protocolo de prevención e intervención frenta al acoso sexual y por razón de sexo en el CSIC (abril 2024)
- Plan de Igualdad UMH – Universidad Miguel Hernández
- I_Plan_Igualdad_AEI_2021-2023
- II Plan para la Igualdad entre mujeres y hombres en la AGE 2015
- II_Plan_Igualdad_CSIC 2015
- IV EVALUACION II-Plan-igualdad-CSIC 2019
- Gráfica de la CMyC-Comisión Mujeres Ciencia del CSIC
- 10 Acciones Positivas lanzadas por el CSIC
- Prevention and Intervention Protocol against sexual and sex-based harassment at CSIC (july 2020)
- III Plan para la igualdad de género en el CSIC (22/03/2022)
- Guía CSIC para un uso no sexista de la lengua
Equality Activities
The main objective of the Equality Commission is to ensure equality in our academic and research environment by promoting different actions:
Organization of activities to increase the visibility of female researchers (e. g. International Day of Women and Girls in Science) available to the general public on our YouTube.
Analysis and monitoring of potential gender imbalances in our work environment.
Collaboration with initiatives and associations that promote the role of women in science (ALBA Network and Ellas Investigan Program of the Women for Africa Foundation).

Preparation of an Equality Plan that combines the general guidelines contained in the II Equality Plan of the CSIC (2019) and the Equality Plan of the UMH, generating a document of policies and actions to ensure equality in our institution according to its characteristics as a mixed center.