Master in Neurosciences: from the Bench to the Bedside.
Presentation and objective
The “Master in Neurosciences: from the bench to the bedside” (MiN) is an official Master of the Universidad Miguel Hernandez (UMH) that is taught in the Institute of Neurosciences, a joint center UMH – CSIC. This Master qualifies to enroll the PhD Program in Neurosciences of the Institute of Neurosciences, an also it gives access to PhD programs in Spain and in countries of the European Higher Education Area (Bologna area).
The master has a total of 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) taught in one academic year (October – July, approximately); the working language of all activities of the Master is English.
Master Objective
The main objective of this Master is to provide to recently graduated students the fundamental theoretical and practical formation that will be necessary to follow a PhD program in Neurosciences, and that will be the starting point of a career of research in this wide scientific field.
Director of the Master: Prof. Emilio Geijo Barrientos
Deputy director of the Master: Prof. Francisco Martini
Student profile
We seek students with a degree in biology/biomedicine related disciplines (Biology, Biomedicine, Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pharmacy, …) who are planning to initiate a research career in the field of the Neurosciences. Previous laboratory experience in the field of neuroscience (or in related fields) is not required but it will be valued for the admission in the Master.
Photo: Master’s students in classroom, Institute of Neurosciences