International Day of Women and Girls in Science, February 11, 2024

26 de January de 2024

The Institute for Neurosciences (IN-CSIC-UMH) has prepared the CONFERENCE Women in Neuroscience: Exploring the Unknown! to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

This meeting will start with the seminar of Dr. Nuria Oliver, Scientific Director and co-founder of the ELLIS Alicante Foundation and Chief Scientific Advisor of the Vodafone Institute. The expert is known for her work in computational models of human behavior, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, mobile computing, and big data for social good. This seminar will be taught in English.

After the seminar, there will be a talk session by several researchers from the Institute for Neurosciences. Postdoctoral researchers Marta Neto and Macarena Lorena Herrera, predoctoral researchers Isabel Bustos and Manuela de las Casas, and laboratory technician Aroa Sanz will participate in this session.

Finally, a round table will be held in which participants will be able to share experiences and different points of view on a scientific career.

TALKS AND WORKSHOPS: In addition to this day, IN researchers Raquel García Hernández, Isabel Aller, Martina Riva, Marta Martínez Morga, and Mar Aníbal will go to different schools in the province of Alicante to hold informative talks and workshops.

SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: To make visible the importance of women's contributions to neuroscience, the IN has launched a campaign on social media platforms made up of a series of videos starring several IN predoctoral researchers. The objective of this initiative is to make visible the work that these young researchers are carrying out every day in the laboratory.

You can follow this campaign with the hashtag #TodasHacemosCiencia on our social media profiles:  X @NeuroAlc , Instagram @instituto_neurociencias , Facebook Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH and YouTube @institutoneurocienciasumhcsic1.

PLACE: Salón de actos IN, Santiago Ramón y Cajal building - UMH Sant Joan d’Alacant Campus.

DATE: Friday, February 9th, 2024.