Mª Carmen Acosta Boj
Group leader
Catedrático UMH
965 91 9212 - Lab.222
- Ocular neurobiology (URL:
- Ocular surface information seen from the somatosensory thalamus and cortex. Velasco E, Zaforas M, Acosta MC, Gallar J and Aguilar J. The Journal of Physiology. 2024 602(7): 1405-1426
- Maximal tear secretion evoked by controlled stimulation of corneal sensory nerves in healthy individuals and dry eye subjects. Merino ML, Belmonte J, Rosas J, Acosta MC., Gallar J., Belmonte C. The Ocular Surface. 2023 27: 80-88
- An Experimental Model of Neuro-Immune Interactions in the Eye: Corneal Sensory Nerves and Resident Dendritic Cells. Frutos-Rincón L, Gómez-Sánchez JA, Íñigo-Portugués A, Acosta MC, Gallar J. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 23(6): art 2997 - Review
- Editorial: Sensory Abnormalities and Primary Sensory Neurons. Masuoka T, Acosta MC, Adams DJ Front Cell Neurosci. 2022 16: art 852614 Editorial
- OSDI Questions on Daily Life Activities Allow to Detect Subclinical Dry Eye in Young Contact Lens Users. Pastor-Zaplana JA, Borras F, Gallar J, Acosta MC. J Clin Med. 2022 11(9): 2626
- Deciphering the Action of Perfluorohexyloctane Eye Drops to Reduce Ocular Discomfort and Pain Delicado-Miralles M, Velasco E, Díaz-Tahoces A, Gallar J, Acosta MC, Aracil-Marco A Front Med (Lausanne) 2021 8:709712
- Optical Assessment of Nociceptive TRP Channel Function at the Peripheral Nerve Terminal. Aleixandre-Carrera F, Engelmayer N, Ares-Suarez D, Acosta MC, Belmonte C, Gallar J, Meseguer V, Binshtok AM Int J Mol Sci 2021 22(2):481
- Sodium Channel Blockers Modulate Abnormal Activity of Regenerating Nociceptive Corneal Nerves After Surgical Lesion Luna C, Mizerska K, Quirce S, Belmonte C, Gallar J, Acosta MC, Meseguer V Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2021 62(1):2
- Unilateral Corneal Insult Also Alters Sensory Nerve Activity in the Contralateral Eye Luna C, Quirce S, Aracil-Marco A, Belmonte C, Gallar J, Acosta MC Front Med 2021 8:767967
- Topical treatment with a mu opioid receptor agonist alleviates corneal allodynia and corneal nerve sensitization in mice Joubert F, Guerrero-Moreno A, Fakih D, Reboussin E, Gaveriaux-Ruff C, Acosta MC, Gallar J, Sahel JA, Bodineau L, Baudouin C, Rostène W, Mélik-Parsadaniantz S, Réaux-Le Goazigo A Biomed Pharmacother 2020 132:110794
- Effects of corneal injury on ciliary nerve fibre activity and corneal nociception in mice: A behavioural and electrophysiological study Joubert F, Acosta MDC, Gallar J, Fakih D, Sahel JA, Baudouin C, Bodineau L, Mélik Parsadaniantz S, Réaux-Le Goazigo A European Journal of Pain (UK) 2019 23(3):589
- The Effect of Tear Supplementation with 015% Preservative-Free Zinc-Hyaluronate on Ocular Surface Sensations in Patients with Dry Eye Perenyi K, Dienes L, Kornafeld A, Kovacs B, Kiss HJ, Szepessy Z, Nagy ZZ, Barsi a, Acosta MC, Gallar J, Kovacs I J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2017 33(6):487
- Abnormal activity of corneal cold thermoreceptors underlies the unpleasant sensations in dry eye disease Kovacs I, Luna C, Quirce S, Mizerska K, Callejo G, Riestra A, Fernandez-Sanchez L, Meseguer VM, Cuenca N, Merayo-Lloves J, Acosta MC, Gasull X, Belmonte C, Gallar J Pain 2016 157(2):399
- Lacosamide diminishes dryness-induced hyperexcitability of corneal cold sensitive nerve terminals Kovacs I, Dienes L, Perenyi K, Quirce S, Luna C, Mizerska K, Acosta MC, Belmonte C, Gallar J Eur J Pharmacol 2016 787:2
- Acid-sensing ion channels detect moderate acidifications to induce ocular pain Callejo G, Castellanos A, Castany M, Gual A, Luna C, Acosta MC, Gallar J, Giblin JP, Gasull X Pain 2015 156(3):483
- Corneal Sensitivity and Dry Eye Symptoms in Patients with Keratoconus Dienes L, Kiss HJ, Perenyi K, Nagy ZZ, Acosta MC, Gallar J, Kovacs I PLoS One 2015 10(10):e0141621
- The Effect of Tear Supplementation on Ocular Surface Sensations during the Interblink Interval in Patients with Dry Eye Dienes L, Kiss HJ, Perenyi K, Szepessy Z, Nagy ZZ, Barsi A, Acosta MC, Gallar J, Kovacs I PLoS One 2015 10(8):e0135629
- What Causes Eye Pain? Belmonte C, Acosta MC, Merayo-Lloves J, Gallar J Curr Ophthalmol Rep 2015 3(2):111
- Corneal Sensory Nerve Activity in an Experimental Model of UV Keratitis Acosta MC, Luna C, Quirce S, Belmonte C, Gallar J Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2014 55(6):3403
- Preclinical pharmacology, ocular tolerability and ocular hypotensive efficacy of a novel non-peptide bradykinin mimetic small molecule Sharif NA, Li L, Katoli P, Xu S, Veltman J, Li B, Scott D, Wax M, Gallar J, Acosta C, Belmonte C Exp Eye Res 2014 128:170
- Changes in sensory activity of ocular surface sensory nerves during allergic keratoconjunctivitis Acosta MC, Luna C, Quirce S, Belmonte C, Gallar J Pain 2013 154(11):2353
- Corneal Sensitivity in Diabetic Patients Subjected to Retinal Laser Photocoagulation Neira-Zalentein W, Holopainen JM, Tervo TM, Borras F, Acosta MC, Belmonte C, Gallar J Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011 52(8):6043
- Ocular surface wetness is regulated by TRPM8-dependent cold thermoreceptors of the cornea Parra A, Madrid R, Echevarria D, Del Olmo S, Morenilla-Palao C, Acosta MC, Gallar J, Dhaka A, Viana F, Belmonte C Nat Med 2010 16(12):1396
- Regeneration of functional nerves within full thickness collagen-phosphorylcholine corneal substitute implants in guinea pigs McLaughlin CR, Acosta MC, Luna C, Liu W, Belmonte C, Griffith M, Gallar J Biomaterials 2010 31(10):2770
- Selective Changes in Human Corneal Sensation Associated with Herpes Simplex Virus Keratitis Gallar J, Tervo T, Neira W, Holopainen JM, Lamberg ME, Miñana F, Acosta MC, Belmonte C Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2010 51(9):4516