Tissue Clarification Workshop – April 23 to 25, 2018
23 de April de 2018We are pleased to announce a new Severo Ochoa-funded meeting organized by the Cellular and Systems Neuroscience Unit. In order to facilitate the full implementation of novel brain clarification techniques in the Institute, we have organized a mini-course to respond the needs of the research groups interested in these methodologies. The workshop will cover methods of tissue clarification like Clarity and iDisco, imaging of clarified samples and post-hoc analysis using Imaris software. To help us with each of these aspects, we will count with several experts in the field: Lana Bosanac – Clarity (Isogen Life Science) Christian Feuillet – Light Sheet Microscopy (La Vision BioTec) Delisa García – Imaris Software (Bitplane) Nuria Matas – Clarity (Isogen Life Science) Thomas Topilko – iDisco (Brain and Spine Institute - Structural Plasticity Lab)
Organized by Dra. Sandra Jurado, Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH. El programa completo y más información en el siguiente enlace: