The Genotyping Service of Transgenic Animals (UGAT) is an essential part of the Animal House and has as a mission to collaborate in the genotyping of the animals born at the RMG in the most efficient and consistent way.
The UGAT picks up the samples generated by the Animal House technicians when they wean and label the animals. The obtained DNA is analysed by PCR in order to determine the genotype of the animals.
The goal of the UGAT is to accelerate the genotyping process so the animals remain the shortest possible time without a genetic identification, and always in the one-month time period.
Users need to contact the UGAT to register their lines and should provide the UGAT with the needed primers as wells as a PCR program that produces accurate and reproducible results. Should the users need help with the design of primers or the PCR program, the UGAT provides technical support whenever is needed.
It is the responsibility of the users to determine the final result of the PCR and assign the genotype to each animal. Once the result is decided the users should introduce the result in the Animal House Management Program AniBio. Users need to place orders to euthanise the animals with undesired genotypes to maintain the animal population at the RMG to a minimum.
All communication with the UGAT is made through e-mail at:

Photos: Instituto de Neurociencias.