Master Research Project Presentations

19 de September de 2019

Salón de actos, INSTITUTO DE NEUROCIENCIAS 9:00 Luis Zafra (Salvador Martinez and Diego Pastor) “Pilot study on the differences between γ-MNs and α-MNs in mice with or without SOD1G93A mutation” 9:30 Roberto Sempere (Emilio Geijo) “Synaptic responses in pyramidal neurons of the layer 2/3 on the granular retrosplenial cortex” 10:00 Luis Calvo (Cruz Morenilla-Palao) “The role of Ephb1 receptor on phosphorylation and signaling of β-catenin protein” Luis 10:30 Nikiben Patel (Hugo Cabedo) “A novel EGR2 missense variant that associates with type 1 Charcot Marie Tooth when combined with LITAF T49M polymorphism” 11:00 Vanesa Salazar (Santiago Canals) “Recording in vivo cell specific activity signals from parvalbumin interneurons “ 11:30 Maria A. Fernández (Eduardo de Puelles and Diego Echevarria) “Main aferences to the septum and ist implication in the habenular function” Break 15:00 Santiago Fernández (Victor Borrell) “Characterization of Direct and Indirect Neurogenesis frequency in mouse neocortex” 15:30 Roberto Morollón (Alex Gomez-Marin) “Causal analysis of neural networks: a minimal taxonomy based on integrated information Φ” 16:00 Jorge A. Escajadillo (Ángela Nieto and Berta Sánchez-Laorden) “Cytokines as regulators of breast cancer metastatic phenotype”