The Institute for Neurosciences has organized the II Research Meeting ‘Looking for Synergies’ IN-ISABIAL

14 de June de 2024

The Institute for Neurosciences (IN), a joint center of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and the Institute for Health and Biomedical Research of Alicante (ISABIAL) have promoted the second edition of the Research Meeting 'Looking for Synergies', which was held yesterday, June 13. The event, held in the Severo Ochoa building on the Sant Joan d'Alacant UMH campus, was attended by more than a hundred researchers.

Photo: Attendees to the II Research Meeting 'Looking for synergies' IN-ISABIAL (Institute for Neurosciences, CSIC-UMH)

The opening of the meeting was led by the scientific deputy director of ISABIAL, Enrique de Madaria Pascual, the director of the IN, Ángel Barco, and the deputy vice-rector of Research for Research Management and Transfer of the UMH, Javier Sáez Valero. This initiative, organized by researchers Silvia De Santis and Hugo, who coordinate the IN Translation Axis, aims to strengthen ties between both institutions to promote collaborative research.

Throughout the day, the research staff had the opportunity to present and share their lines of work with the attendees around a program structured in different thematic areas. The cancer session was moderated by Khalil Kass, a postdoctoral researcher in the Cell Plasticity in Development and Disease Group at the IN, and Francisco Cholbi, principal investigator of the Rehabilitation Research Group at ISABIAL. The session on neurological diseases was led by researcher Carmen Díaz, director of the Neuroscience Research Group at ISABIAL, and Javier Sáez Valero, director of the Altered Molecular Mechanisms in Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Group at the IN.

The researchers María Salud García, from the Translational Neuropsychopharmacology of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases Laboratory at the IN, and Silvia Martí, from the Neuroscience Research Group at ISABIAL, moderated the session dedicated to psychiatric diseases. The session 'Development and rare diseases' was also held, which was led by Javier Muriel Serrano, from the Research in Neuropharmacology Group applied to Pain at ISABIAL, and Isabel del Pino, who leads the Developmental and Cognitive Disorders Laboratory at the IN. Finally, a session dedicated to inflammatory diseases, aging, and pain took place, which was moderated by researchers Elvira de la Peña, co-director of the Sensory Transduction and Nociception Laboratory at the IN, and Francisca Colom, researcher in the Applied Biomedicine Research Group at ISABIAL.

The meeting ended with a networking space that was held around a poster session, covering all thematic areas, which allowed researchers to share their most recent studies.

The Research Meeting 'Looking for synergies' has been held every two years since 2022. After the success of the first two editions, the organizers highlighted the importance of initiatives that promote synergies between researchers: “The investigators from the Institute for Neurosciences can contribute their experience in basic research, while the ISABIAL investigators have a focus linked to the clinical field. It is very interesting because both institutions are developing cutting-edge science along common lines to try to solve problems that are of interest to society. These types of meetings are very valuable because they allow us to establish future collaborations”.

More information: full program in the attached document (PDF)

Source: Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH (