→ Emerging line: Neural mechanisms of Behavior

Lines of investigation

Understanding the decision-making process is essential to describing how humans and other animals interact with their environment and tackle daily challenges. This knowledge has significant implications various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, medicine, and artificial intelligence.

Our research aims to unravel the neural mechanisms that underlie decision making, with the goal of gaining an in-depth understanding of the brain networks regulating this critical process . We focus on how different brain regions interact to shape our choices, while exploring the structure and function of these neural circuits. To achieve this, we employ a multidisciplinary approach that combines experimental and theoretical techniques, including electrophysiological recordings, behavioral testing in animal and human models, and computational modeling. Additionally, we examine how the interaction between brain and body, particularly motor aspects, influences decision-making.

This comprehensive approach not only advances our fundamental understanding of decision-making mechanisms but also provides valuable insights for future applications in research and clinical practice.

Representative Publications

Predoctoral Researcher
Predoctoral Researcher
Technical personnel
Master students

Research groups of Unit

Emerging Research Lines

Research groups of Scientific Program