The IN offers up to 5 International Scholarships for the Master’s Degree in Neurosciences: from the Bench to the Bedside

14 de February de 2025

The Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme of the Institute for Neurosciences (IN), a joint center of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), offers up to 5 International Scholarships for the Master’s Degree in Neurosciences: from the Bench to the Bedside during the 2025-2026 academic year (October- July). These scholarships cover full Master's tuition fees, a monthly stipend of €800, and a reallocation grant.

This is an open call to candidates from all nationalities, who hold a bachelor’s degree in Biology / Biomedicine related disciplines, although degrees in any STEM field will be considered. Bachelor's GPA should be above 8 / 10 and previous international mobility and/or research experience will be very positively valued.

Interested candidates must submit their application no later than March 4th to the email address Applicants must include a copy of their passport (PDF version), a short CV, the academic transcript, and a motivation letter in English, specifying up to three IN's scientific programs in which they would like to carry out their Master's experimental work.

More information is in the attached document and on the Master in Neurosciences website.

Source: Institute for Neurosciences UMH-CSIC (